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Everything posted by OpenBook

  1. I keep seeing things show up and then disappear from the results page - questions about previous posters and such. I know I'm a crazy refresher, but does anyone know why that happens? Is it automatic, or do the posters take down their results themselves?
  2. If you do reach out to anyone at Cornell, please let us know. Cornell is my top school since early Undergrad, and seeing those acceptances without any indication of waitlists or rejections going out sorta devastated me. I'd like to get out of limbo..
  3. Are there certain days of the week that are more likely for results? I really thought today would be a flood, but so far nothing..
  4. Same. I really thought we’d get a few more results back today.
  5. Well, the results page has rarely been updated after 6pm ESTish, so I would believe that!
  6. Here's the link to the results page: https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=English You can search within a specific time frame, for a specific college, or for a field of study there.
  7. I had an interview a few days ago, @mashatheicebear. I was surprised by some of the questions being obviously out of my range of knowledge (essentially asking me to infer, based on my actual research, regarding something tangential). But, for the most part, everything was fully focused on my research. I tried to prepare the typical "tell us about yourself!" Statement, and the "Strengths and Weaknesses" talk, but none of that came up. So, I'd say really reread what you wrote and gave them and be prepared to talk like you're already in a PhD program!
  8. I would echo Ramus' statements, and also add that I find it's a lot easier to call the department directly than to wait for emails. They really should be able to answer those questions, and they won't change their decision or have bad judgements of you because you ask. Instead, asking shows you value yourself as a candidate; it's a good position to be in!
  9. That's truly the best attitude to have. You're going to be some professor's top candidate given your specialty and that's the only thing that matters!
  10. That anti-OSU post on the results page sorta got to me, and I wonder if the department is thinking about that, too. I know a professor from my college who was adjuncting for us, and she went to OSU. She's currently unemployed, even though she's a great rhetorician. I wonder if OSU is delaying rejections because they feel their yield will be lower given their flagging placement track record, so they'll have to move more people to the waitlist. I certainly would reconsider an offer from them given that news. At the end of the day, it's really about the professors you can work with, but that low placement rate is still spooky.
  11. I'm wondering how many people they're putting on the waitlist, too
  12. @Alyycat No worries, I'm happy to answer whatever. It's been a stressful process, so I'm just happy to have someone to share it with! The email was essentially a form letter. It said I got funding and would hear from faculty who work on similar topics to me in the "upcoming weeks," along with an "official letter" of acceptance in February. No portal to log into, nothing personalized. Their website is confusing, as the "New Graduate Student Welcome" just ended, it seems, so I have no idea what that's about. I study Early Modern/Renaissance (Shakespeare), so I was accepted into Literary Studies.
  13. @arrowseeker Yes, that's my submission. I was on my computer and updated right away, so we'll see if hopefully I was at the beginning of a round of emails.
  14. Yeah, I got in! Very excited ? The Oregon news is terrifying. I am super worried other places will also close soon. I wonder why they realized so late?
  15. Hey all! I just got an interview offer (English PhD) and I'm super nervous. Does anyone have any tips? What do they normally ask questions about?
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