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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    Master of Information

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  1. Thanks! My final year average was around 3.8, and I tanked my first year pretty badly so cGPA is 3.4
  2. Thank you! The conditions should be outlined in the official letter, which I am now waiting to receive. Thanks! I’m Canadian, did my undergrad at UofT (graduating this spring) and majored in social sciences
  3. Hey guys! So I sent an email to Andrea asking about the status of my application (I have been under review since February 5 or 9). She emailed back telling me about the high volume of applications meaning greater wait times, but said she would ask the admissions committee about my application. She followed up about an hour later saying that I have received a conditional acceptance!
  4. I'm a UofT undergrad as well, but it took a little over a week for my status to change... And it only changed after I emailed them asking about it
  5. Hey! I found it here https://ischool.utoronto.ca/future-students/apply/graduate-admission-requirements-of-our-masters-programs/ under "Application & Deadlines", must have been updated quite recently. They said they've extended the deadline for international applicants to Feb 28 because of the higher volume. Domestic and international applicants would be considered in two different pools, no? Just wanted to make sure as I don't know much about that.
  6. Hey! I submitted everything January 25, and my status changed to "under review" on February 5.
  7. Hey congrats! I submitted my application mid to end January ish? I'm "under review" right now, hopefully there's news soon Thank you for the info! Just out of curiosity and if you don't mind me asking: how competitive was the application process for your year? And what's your academic background? (GPA, major, etc.)
  8. I emailed Admissions asking a general question a while ago, and they said that a coordinator will verify all the files and prepare them for the admissions committee but no idea how long that takes. My first year was absolutely horrendous, my cGPA is at the minimum, but the average of my two most recent sessional GPAs (so my "final year GPA") is around a 3.8 so I hope it gives me a chance haha. I've been stalking forums for applicants from past years, and it seems that most people hear back around mid-February to March. But I've also seen others receive their news in April so idk.... Have you applied anywhere else? I'm also waiting to hear back from McGill.
  9. and @offereceivedhey guys! I submitted yesterday! Wonder how look it takes for status to change from "Documents received" to "in review" haha. Not going to lie, super nervous mainly because I tanked my GPA in first year and so even though I've done pretty well afterwards, my cGPA isn't looking too hot. Do they really consider your last two semesters if it's higher than your cGPA? That's what I've heard. Btw, best of luck! Fingers crossed for you
  10. Hey everyone! As the title kinda suggests, I'm waiting to hear back on my MI application for UofT. Just wanted to see if anyone else is on the same boat!
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