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Everything posted by PoliTheory2021

  1. Oh ok, I'll look again. Guess it is time to give up on UNC
  2. Oh wow, I guess the waitlist email has gone out too? But where are the acceptances? There is only one on gradcafe and one on Facebook ... doesn't that seem kind of low?
  3. Sorry about that ? Also, curious, which facebook group are you talking about?
  4. Gotcha, thanks! Considering the day is almost done and I have yet to receive a call, I'll expect rejection.
  5. Curious if anyone has claimed (or is willing to claim) the UNC acceptance? Would also love to know approximately when it came through
  6. Are a lot of schools behind for COVID/increase in applications reasons? Maybe we should expect that most schools won't get back until March, even if they have reached out by February in previous years?
  7. I was thinking more like, maybe there's still time for a decision today? haha But you're totally right, we're still so early in the cycle that there's no reason to focus on this week or today. I don't know why, but if I build up too much of an expectation for a particular week and nothing comes it just drives me insane.
  8. Seriously! I thought both would be coming through this week as well. I guess there's still time?
  9. So anxious for this decision. Hopefully we get some news today!
  10. Thanks, that's very kind. Wishing you all the best with NYU and UofT. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
  11. Thanks so much! And I hope so! That or else you have another great offer coming down the line. As everyone has said, its early in the cycle.
  12. My understanding is that the interdisciplinary program in Political Philosophy is something you join after the program has started and you work with your department head or director of graduate studies to enroll. I have been accepted, my subfield is political theory, and I indicated interest in the Political Philosophy program. ?
  13. I know I'm a little behind, but claiming Princeton acceptance with Political Theory subfield! Came as an email. Cannot believe it!
  14. Yes. I can totally imagine Princeton ghosting me at this point. Especially because we had two waves of fake results (January 16 and 25). The emotional up and downs have been too much! XP
  15. Hi all, Longtime lurker joining in, mostly because my predictable February anxiety is already in full swing. I also applied to Princeton but have not received any news. In that vein, I was wondering if the general consensus in this group is that all of the Princeton results were trolls or only the rejections? Like, are we all just waiting to be rejected/waitlisted at this point, or do we think there is a chance that acceptances are coming down the line? (I'm aware it's all conjecture, but still curious for people's thoughts)
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