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silvestre stallone

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Posts posted by silvestre stallone

  1. 11 minutes ago, mashatheicebear said:

    Just got an email titled "From the Office of Admissions" and I almost choked when I saw the notification...

    It was just a spam message from a school I signed up to get notifications from, but didn't end up applying to.

    They should be FORBIDDEN from sending out stuff like that during response/rejection/dejection season. SERIOUSLY.

    I'm still waiting on two schools but am about ready to give up on them ever getting back to me. I submitted my applications the third week of October, so this wait has felt interminable. 

    Dude, same! It reminded me of last year (after being shut out) when one of the schools I got rejected from accidentally sent me a welcome letter to their school. Bad form! ?

    I totally feel your pain, though. Wishing you the best of luck with the rest of this brutal cycle!

  2. 3 hours ago, Emailchecker said:

    Waitlisters, would you inform the insititution/dgs for a recent acceptance with minor revisions (mine is not refereed, but I would say very respected and known, like a graduate refereed journal). The piece itself is a research article, so not journalistic.

    If people feel otherwise, please chime in. I definitely don't think it would be wrong to let them know if it is in response to your waitlist email. This is how I framed my waitlist response last year:

    1. I thanked them for considering me for their program and told them that I wanted to use this opportunity to share what I have been up to since applications had been turned in

    2. I wrote about new accomplishments

    3. I reiterated that this was my dream program and that I would eagerly matriculate if extended an offer

    Again, it might have just been printed out and put in my file, but I think that it showed that I was still actively building my resume even after submitting my applications.

    Best of luck, though! And feel free to message me if you have other questions on that!

  3. 8 hours ago, queenofcarrotflowers said:

    Wondering if anyone else still hasn’t heard back from Virginia? I’m 100% sure it’s a rejection, but wondering why they haven’t released them all at once


    8 hours ago, R Westy said:

    I’m in the same boat!

    I’m also in the same boat. I know that UVA keeps a pretty big waitlist, so it might be that. I made the waitlist last cycle, but this application cycle is ultra-competitive so I really have no idea what they’re thinking. Just wishful thinking... I have my fingers crossed for all of us!

  4. 7 hours ago, Emailchecker said:

    Hi waitlisters and stress warriors! I am currently waitlisted at WUSTL--I would really appreciate if the offer holders also have other offers lol

    If there are any tactics to increase the waitlister's odds, let's talk about them

    I've mostly heard people on this forum saying that you don't need to do anything for waitlist emails other than let them know you're still interested in the program, but I did do something a little different last year when I was waitlisted for UVA (albeit, I was still eventually rejected so take my advice with a grain of salt). Per my professor's advice, I used the waitlisted email as an opportunity to share with the DGS what I was able to accomplish in the time since turning in my application. I wouldn't necessarily do that for little things, but during the couple month period in which my application was being considered I had been nominated for a prestigious award at my university. If you've gotten a big award or have been accepted for a publication and it's not included in your application, I would definitely take the waitlist email as an opportunity to share that achievement. Worst case, it does nothing. Best case, it could move you a couple of spots up the waitlist! 

  5. 2 hours ago, wildsurmise said:

    I am one of the WUSTL admits-- so relieved to have an acceptance but I feel for your angst. Apparently they could only accept 2-3% of applications this year!? 

    If it's any small help, it was a personal email from the DGS--my portal still isn't updated. So maybe they're going out one by one and there are still some to come? Sorry for all the dread, this process can be so so terrible. I was anxiously refreshing GC constantly so much beforehand. 

    Thanks for sharing! I feel it! And it's still so early in the process...I just need one acceptance and I'll ease up a bit I'm sure.

    Seriously, though, congratulations! A 2-3% acceptance rate is totally insane... Feel good. You fucking earned that! :)

  6. 28 minutes ago, haleydanielle said:

    I FEEL this on so many levels... My partner keeps telling me to get off GC all together but I just can't not know. It's terrible! I figure in a few weeks it'll all feel decently solidified and then I can go back to normal. Potentially an unhealthy way to view things, but here we are. 

    I'm reading/watching The Hobbit/LOTR right now for some major escapism. I've never really been interested before, and it's giving me all the life I need right now. 

    As far as batches, I'm just not sure. I think they did last year (it's been a while since I've looked that far back into the results page), and the fact that we now have two acceptances makes me think that they're batching it today. Hopefully we hear from WashU (positively) soon!! Best of luck :)

    Ugh... Same. I'm watching all the X-Men movies in order of release. That's right... two decades worth of films. Just trying to distract myself somehow. 

    The WUSTL acceptances this morning have amplified this super dread. Twice as many applications?! 

    Honestly, though, congrats to all who have been accepted, and best of luck for those waiting on good news!

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