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_Bea_ last won the day on May 20 2021

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  1. For those who need a translation: There were no personal selection meetings in March The selection committee assessed your application on the basis of the documents submitted and additional reports So it was a pure paper selection with no personal preference I cannot tell you anything about the results until the process is officially completed WAAAAAAA maybe there is still hope!!! I am keeping all my finger crossed and I really hope that is true! That would be a truly amazing plot twist ahahahah Hopefully we won't have to wait two weeks
  2. O my god! I am so happy for you! At least some good news today! You better start that German course hahah
  3. It's pretty sad ? I really hope I will be able to find a job there I guess... with covid is even more difficult I don't think I want to give up and I am planning to go anyway if I get accepted and try again for DAAD next year. Anyone coming to munich? Yes, there is just an interview, but it should be pretty formal for physics from what I have heard
  4. Just received the answer: the interviews were in march and april for the preselected candidates and the results will arrive in June. So for the italians (Masters) who did not receive an interview there is not much hope left :,) I was still hoping that some of us were selected even without interview but it is not possible apparently... ? I just don't get why they are waiting so much to send the rejections...
  5. Which university have you applied for? I sent the application for LMU, but I won't hear from them until mid July, since they don't process applications before the deadline ? Also, I sent an email to DAAD since I want to try the feeling "you'll know in two week" at least once. I think you are not living the whole experience if you don't receive that answer hahaha I'll let you know
  6. Aah right, I did not think about that hahah Oh well, I think it is a good sign, hopefully we'll get to know soon enough (two weeks)
  7. 2025? That's a long time from now I already put those days in the application, so I will never know if they changed mine as well :(((( Aaaah the waitinggg
  8. I don't know why, but I already knew that the "two weeks" answer was coming ahhaha
  9. I am sure that if you ask them they will tell you that we'll get to know in two weeks time ? I am waiting for the end of these "two weeks" since november ahhahaha
  10. Here: https://www.daad.de/en/coronavirus/ But I was talking about the Masters's one, don't know if it also applies to PhD ? Before I said that I found that on the italian DAAD website, but now I realise it is on the general one, I just found the link on the italian site. I don't know if I should write a mail, because our deadline was in november... That's quite more than 4 months hahaha
  11. @italians Any news? Today I was wondering on our DAAD website and I found that Applications for ongoing calls for proposals will continue to be received and processed, Commission meetings will partly be held by Video conference or decisions will be taken on the basis of written documents. So somebody had the interview, but the fact that we didn't doesn't mean we won't have scholarship (maybe). I think my hope it's kinda hard to kill hahahha The website was updated on April 20, so it's not an old news (I guess)
  12. Nothing here as well... I also thought there was hope It would have been nice to know we didn't make it before and not waiting until now to find out... Let's wait for the official results but I also have the feeling we didn't win it ?
  13. So if we don't hear from them next week we're basically out of the game? Sad story hahaha That's gonna be stressfull
  14. Still nothing from me ? But that means that some italians already did the interview or received the rejection email? Also, usually the rejection emails preceed the confirmation ones... So it's probably a good sign if we didn't hear from them (?) Hopefully monday we will hear something back
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