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Everything posted by MSW29

  1. Received an offer of admission for Laurier’s 2-year this evening as well! My status has changed on LORIS and I was notified via email. I noticed there was no offer letter, just a status update and a button to submit my decision if I choose to accept. I will be rejecting the offer though as I was admitted to other programs. Best of luck to those of you waiting!!!
  2. Just an update: I got off the phone with York this afternoon and was offered admission! I’ve already accepted UofT’s offer but the funding package is extremely generous and I am very confused as to what to do as UofT was my top choice but I can’t oversee the funding from York. Does anyone have any insight or perspective? I know York is more critical and I know I was personally hoping for more clinical experience but York did mention that there are still ways to obtain clinical experience through placement. Also for those of you waiting, they shared that this is the first round and they are contacting top 20 applicants. Feeling so unbelievably grateful but very confused as I have two weeks to accept!! MyFile has not been updated but I was advised that it would be uploaded Monday or Tuesday.
  3. Just received an email from York University stating that they would like to schedule a phone call to provide me with an update regarding my application for the MSW two-year program. I’m a domestic applicant and have already accepted my UofT offer but I’m shocked lol. Is this common for the program to schedule a call?
  4. Hey everyone! Not sure if this is the right forum for this question but have any uoft applicants looked into the collaborative specializations? I was looking into applying for the women and gender studies option but wanted some insight into how difficult it is to balance, be admitted, etc. Thanks
  5. Accepted into UofT’s 2-year! I honestly stopped checking this forum and ACORN yesterday because I had given up hope, but was notified this morning around 10:00am via email about a status update on SGS and my offer of admission was there! This was my second time applying after being waitlisted last year and I honestly gave up hope when I saw all the acceptances go out last week. Feeling super grateful but I want to send positive vibes and all the love to those of you waiting. I know how difficult and draining this whole process can be but your time will come! So many overqualified applicants in this thread that would make such awesome social workers ❤️
  6. Amazing!!!!!! So happy for you! Is your ACORN account the same every year? I applied last year but I wasn't sure if there was anew ACORN account that I would need to make. Any insight would help!
  7. There seems to be a lot of individuals who have been waitlisted. Is this common? I’m dying to know how long UofT’s waitlist is... not sure if there’s still hope of getting off of it! Any insight?
  8. Just got waitlisted at UofT! Last initial is C
  9. Just got waitlisted! My last name is C
  10. Starting to think this year just isn’t my year! I kind of expected it though as I’m applying right out of undergrad (graduating this month) but I felt pretty good about my application! Nonetheless, I’m really hoping all you second-half-of-the-alphabet applicants hear back today! It’s been so nice to see that people are actually hearing back and like many of you have said, you all sound like amazingly empathetic and kind individuals! No wonder the competition is so intense lol
  11. As a person with a C last name I am panicking lol
  12. I’m C and nothing yet either!
  13. If it helps my last name is C so I’m close to the top of the list and haven’t heard anything yet! lol
  14. Congrats so happy for you!! Do you mind sharing your experience (and if you’re comfortable the first letter of your last name so we can figure out if its alphabetical)? So glad people are starting to hear back!!
  15. Do you mind if I ask if you’re an international or domestic applicant?
  16. Congrats!!!! mine still says “Under Review” but so happy we’re getting answers!
  17. Mine hasn’t changed either and I haven’t seen anything on this forum, just one person I think said they were rejected a few weeks ago. If you don’t mind me asking, where did you hear that people got rejections?
  18. Aw I’m sorry to hear that. I know the waiting is agonizing but just know that there’s still hope that you’ll be accepted! It’s also important to remember that this is an especially difficult year for admissions and acceptances as COVID has caused a recession and people tend to go back to school when the economy gets hit. I know some schools also let students defer admissions and I’m not sure if that is impacting how many offers they’re sending out this year as well. I guess what I’m trying to say is that there are additional variables to consider this year when it comes to admission decisions that are out of our control. Sending you lots of light and positivity! Hoping you won’t have to wait too long to hear back
  19. This is true. Haha I’m trying so hard to be empathetic and understanding as I’m sure there are other variables that we haven’t considered but it’s tough! Going to try and follow your lead with your previous post in this forum and just try to entertain myself with other things so I don’t obsess as much as I have been the last few weeks!
  20. I tried to email Angela from UofT a couple days ago with no response just yet. I know they usually send out the cookie cutter copy and paste response from the website but it would be nice to know if they’re experiencing more delays due to COVID-19, surplus of applicants, etc. Some or rather ANY info at this point would be great.
  21. I can't believe we haven't heard back from UofT yet! Hope you're all holding up well. To echo what someone else said earlier, whether you celebrate or not, if we don't hear back tomorrow I hope you all enjoy the long weekend and try to relax! Practice some self-care and remember that our time will come
  22. I’ve been lurking on this forum for a while now and just wanted to echo all your thoughts because this waiting period is horrible! sending you all positivity and wishing for the best!!!
  23. Congrats to those who got accepted for the two-year MSW at UofT!! I did not expect acceptances to go out this early. I'm a domestic applicant and haven't heard anything yet. Is it common practice for UofT to send acceptances to international students earlier? I wonder if this has anything to do with the pandemic. Nonetheless, I hope more of us hear back sooner!
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