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  1. FYI, received an interview request yesterday via email for the MFA Writing for Stage & Broadcast Media at Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. Looks like it's going to be a group session ("in which we will discuss the course as a group") followed by a 1 to 1. Can't remember if anyone else on this forum applied to this program but would be interested in chatting if you have!
  2. @Coffee&FlowersI applied to UCSD and also haven't heard anything.
  3. Likewise just got a no from Brown, same deal -- 'email to check the website'.
  4. Hi, @quarantini33 -- IU Bloomington is now accepting apps due April 1. https://theatre.indiana.edu/graduate/playwriting-mfa/index.html The slot has just recently opened up (earlier in the year they weren't offering any slots for this fall due to COVID).
  5. @Applicant2021me @seasickmermaid Last year I did an interview with Austin, mid Feb. They said they'd get back to me 'by the end of the week'. (I believe I interviewed on a Tuesday or Wednesday.) Didn't hear a peep from them and waited to email until the end of March. They apologized for the delay, blamed COVID (even though this was the very start of the pandemic and I interviewed several weeks before it hit the US) and very shortly after getting back to me, my rejection was posted on the application portal. All of which made me think that they forgot to get back to me. I wish I had emailed them sooner for my own piece of mind. Take this for what you will. My opinion is that if you've waited 3 weeks, you're probably fine to send a brief, polite email asking about your status. Best of luck!
  6. Longtime lurker who has appreciated the process-related transparency y'all have provided ❤️ Don't know if anyone else applied to the MFA at Royal Central School of Speech & Drama (London), but wanted to share that I applied in early December and was told I would have a decision within 4 weeks -- that hasn't happened. I attended an information session at the beginning of February and they said it might be up to another two months before we hear back. Happy to provide more deets on my application to this program if anyone else has applied. Also applied to UT Austin, UCSD, Iowa, NYU, and Brown -- haven't heard a peep from any of those folks.
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