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  1. I'm in the same exact situation so I feel your pain. Two schools, one I'm 99.9% sure to be a soft rejection. But I'm sure a lot of things will be moving (hopefully) next week!
  2. I live in Italy. Just know that it might be a new and tiny torture to have most of this mfa stuff silent for the first good half of the day, then slowly begin to trickle out around 3/4 p.m. On the other hand, you'll wake up in the morning with a good couple inches added to the google sheet. You would think that quiet mornings with no news might be peaceful, and to that I would say: for you I hope they are. ❤️ Safe travels!
  3. i don't think we know? but sorry if you got that from my post about brown fiction notifying tomorrow (today). i was just internet summoning it. lolol
  4. 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 brown 🕯 🕯 ❤️ fiction 🕯 🕯 notifies 🕯 🕯 tomorrow 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯
  5. imagine if we discover the trick to a 100% acceptance rate is simply doing emoji witchcraft on a bug-infested forum crAzier things have happened...
  6. joining this summon ❤️
  7. Ah, I think you're right! Thanks for clarifying.
  8. Hey - I don't know if anyone saw on Draft - but a current student at IWW commented that all Iowa acceptances are out. I didn't get one and can I just say I am truly RELIEVED TO KNOW SOMETHING! I was not accepted to Iowa. My plans for not moving to Iowa officially commence. (unless I'm waitlisted.) (but let's not get our hopes up again.)
  9. I'm being slowly tortured because I only applied to two schools & apparently they both like to take their sweet time. I would at least like to *know* something. Even if it's a rejection. If you've at least heard back from *a* school, I'm jealous. Nothing has arrived in my inbox, not a peep. Also if I reapply next year I think I might just chill and not join Draft/this forum because watching everyone get their results, hundreds and hundreds of results, is like a tiny little hit of dopamine that turns into confusion and anxiety. (iowa? brown? r u there)
  10. I see there's an interview post for fiction at Brown on the results section of this website. I didn't think they did interviews for fiction? & on a Sunday?
  11. thank you!! Super helpful!!!!
  12. Also not to triple text in the g chat (sry) but how normal is it have literary agents going into an MFA? I've looked up current students at IWW as well as recent Iowa admits to see that a few already have literary agents, one being signed with the same agent as Sheila Heti (holy shit). I'm wondering why someone would want to get an MFA if they already have an agent. I guess it would just be a sort of long paid fellowship to work on the book they are already set to publish? Seems cool & wish it could apply to me. Also is a little discouraging.
  13. Does anyone know *how* programs contact admits, like in what order? I'm assuming they start with who they MOST want then go to you know...who they least most want...or is it in alphabetical order? Just curious if anyone knows.
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