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Posts posted by nottheamazonalexa

  1. 39 minutes ago, panglosian said:

    Hey has anyones UVA application status changed? Mine still says "Submitted" and some other people say that theirs says they're under review or something. I've only heard heresay about this so it may not be true, but I didn't know if it was like UMD's "Under Graduate Review" situation where it basically means I've already been nixed. Any info is welcome!

    Mine just says “submitted” as well so not sure 

  2. 18 hours ago, shanbanan said:

    Oh wow! It's happening! Thank you for the heads up. Was this on the Results page or Draft? I didn't see it on either but probably missed it. 

    Has there been any more info on this on draft by chance? Wondering if I should assume a waitlist/rejection forthcoming at this point from Michener poetry :(

  3. 1 hour ago, Ophelias pansies said:

    Does anyone have advice for looking for jobs post grad while waiting for results? One thing that I'm starting to dislike about this process is how long it takes to hear back from schools. I totally understand that schools have to sift through applications and figure out logistical stuff behind the scenes but...it still sucks lol.  I'd love to have more time to work and commit to a plan B instead of waiting for plan A to (maybe) work out. A lot of my friends already have jobs lined up post-graduation and I feel like I'm behind because I don't want to commit in case I get into schools.  Any advice? (I'd ask someone else but I'm first gen and I feel like nobody "gets" these problems like you guys do). What did you guys do when you were in my situation? It can be a good idea to have as many options as you can. One bird in the hand and all that jazz. Best of luck :)

  4. 1 hour ago, Downtozero said:

    I only saw fiction. I think I saw three total, some of them only shared in comments and didnt make their own post.

    As someone whose request to join draft hasn’t been approved yet just want to extra thank the people on here posting about what they’ve seen!!

    Also has anyone seen/heard anything on Houston, Brown, NYU, UVA, or Columbia? Poetry specific maybe? It seems like UW and Iowa have started calling for poetry per this thread. Also waiting on Michener and NWP poetry so hoping those haven’t gone out yet!! 

  5. 5 minutes ago, eternalwhitenights said:

    Nah, I wouldn't think that. It's more if there have been a ton of schools that have already made their calls or sent out their offers, but honestly, just seeing all of the history on the results page here, some people have gotten offers at the last minute as funding switched around, sometimes calls are staggered--you just don't know until you have the official notification from the university. I wouldn't give up hope, but, even if it doesn't work out acceptance-wise this round, don't stop believing in yourself. You can do it, and that acceptance from a lit mag is phenomenal. Congratulations on your success. :)

    Thank you!!! Also do you know if schools only accept via phone calls or is it phone or email? And do they make calls/send emails during weekends or is it safe to shut my brain off until Monday on MFA applications ?? Haha 

  6. Hi all!! I’m new to this thread (and a bit late to the party I know). I was feeling good a few weeks ago when I got accepted at a really great lit mag with a poem in my writing sample and noooowwww I’ve had 6 straight rejections and am back on planet earth. I’m waiting on 9 schools but scrolling through here it’s sounding like people are estimating that if they haven’t been accepted by now that they likely won’t be even if they have a lot of schools left to hear from. Is that the case or is that my own skepticism influencing how I’m reading these posts??? 

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