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  1. can I ask who you nudged?! Was it the office of finances or directly the faculty? Also, I would say a friendly reminder email would do no harm.
  2. hey y'all! wondering if I should let UCLA know that I have been accepted into another program (CU), and need to know somewhat soon if I am still in the running. Do you think that will deter my chances of getting in?
  3. Can someone link the stats page?
  4. I emailed UCLA to check on my status last week, and haven't received a response. I'm assuming it's a no, but this radio silence is honestly so frustrating.
  5. Can't believe it's March 15th and I still haven't heard from all schools.. the waiting game is tough y'all. Here's what I've got so far: USC: Rejected UCSD: Rejected UCLA: Radio Silence... Columbia: Interviewed NYU: Interviewed
  6. Just got my rejection from USC's Dramatic Writing program. Ugh.
  7. Has anyone been contacted by UCLA for an interview? I have not and am not sure if I should just write it off. Thanks!
  8. Same here with Columbia! I am such a babbler when I'm nervous, so we'll see how these 20 minutes go. And CONGRATS to those who have heard back from their programs!!!!!!!! Time to celebrate.
  9. Hi all. I'm interested in applying to a few more places, and wondering if folks know of schools who accept applications on a rolling basis? I know University of New Mexico accepts applicants until April 1st if there are available spots, wondering if there are any others out there. So far, I've applied to Columbia, USC, UCLA, and UCSD.
  10. Hey! Has anyone heard from USC for their Dramatic Writing program? Anyone else apply?
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