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  1. Oh that’s awesome! I think I found it. By the way did you hear if there’s any deposit for that offer we got?
  2. Those who got accepted at UBC SCARP did you get acceptance email over and over? I got 3 emails again ? though I got em on Monday. Being admitted twice I guess lol edit - I think it might be technical glitch.. it also gave me email that my document status have been updated which would’ve been my UBC undergrad transcript.
  3. I expressed something fairly similar on to yours. I kinda doubt this just about it tho. Even the waitlist is not linear at all read from website. Depends on the background of people accepts offer and who can complement that persons interest and experience from the wait list? (Thats my guess cause why would they group people into pools and not ranked).They said they have pools of candidates. Who knows experienced professionals are in the pool with only professionals and subdivide by experience type or something? I guess what I’m saying is that waiting can be tiring but also I don’t think we can ever figure out why did they do this do that etc. Remember how we got invited to interviews? There were two rounds of people invited. So relax. It will be ok. And about aoc and profs. I got letter from grad admission then heard from scarp then I went to portal and checked official offer edit-nothing from prof or anything. But also I read website that advisor will be finalized in summer.. so
  4. In at scarp!! Hooray!! Lets go class 2023
  5. Gees guys.. I guess bigger Canadian universities are taking their sweet time with admission. Just trying to focus on work and trying to forget about scarp for now ?
  6. My mentor’s daughter also applied to a different professional grad program at UBC this cycle and had to do the same interview format. Now I know it’s not just SCARP! Maybe...maybe it’s more of a school wide thing now to implement this kinda interview?
  7. Hey I’m mildly annoyed personally. Maybe because I only have one option, applied to only one school ?. Anxiety is killing me! But to be fair I believe on the week of 20 something is usually when UBC seems to send out offers every year. After that interview most of us didnt like, I was also thinking they could be sending out offers early ish like this week. But I guess not and that’s fine.
  8. You don’t have to graduate from accredited program to work in the field. As long as you prove your practical skills. And that’s why they ask for your portfolio and project. They wanna know whether you can get job done quickly. The difference between accredited (planning program) and going for research program (assuming that is not accredited) is often courses / experience like intern hours required by the professional planning board you’re interested. you can’t assume accredited program is necessarily practical. Yes It is practical than research in a way (cause you spend more credits for research courses and thesis etc). check with schools tell them you’re interested in research program but still looking to be a professional planner. And ask if you’re allowed to graduate late to get all the requirement set by the professional body. I know UBC that planning research program shared few basic planning foundation courses with accredited program. I also considered research route one time. I think I saw on planning board website that these research students at ubc used to be able to become registered professional planning board. I’m thinking that research route would’ve been much longer to allow those students to meet all the requirement.
  9. I think anywhere in Toronto would do .. based on my experience with some industry people in big global corporate headquartered in Toronto and your understanding of school. Idk if you’re also thinking about transportation planning in concept of smart city as well but speak in that regards, I know Toronto is way ahead. I think public are genuinely more interested there, as shown from (the cancelled) sidewalk lab project. As well I had an interview last year for a big corporate based in Toronto for a vancouver job (architecture engineering and planning etc) that they actually DO have projects in Toronto regarding smart city as well as transportation. I can only speak from architecture and things in regards to smart city and industry capacity here. Vancouver is behind Toronto. idk if you also wanna live and work in Vancouver. But there are way more big offices there. Build your skills experience there. Transfer here. You will have more chance that way. Excuse my typos since I’m typing on phone.
  10. True SFU looks good if environment planning is your focus. Someone said on Reddit some time ago you can specialize in urban planning there too. But I couldn’t find anything about it in their web. Accredited program is important but having a portfolio at the end of the program is also as important to me. I wasn’t sure if SFU program will help me? Was a question. Hence Ryerson or Calgary was also reallyyyy tempting (and other schools with more architectural focus) but this year I’m limited to BC. Just general advice as someone having some time spent in architecture field is that If you think you’re from “unrelated planning background” (lot of things are actually quite related but if you think so) or with very little exposure to graphics, arts and all, I think going to school that will help you a lot building stronger portfolio especially if urban design is your aspiration
  11. oh yeah I experienced panic attacks. Exactly performance anxiety. Having to look at myself speaking hearing and being super self conscious. I’m sure that’s common. I don’t have much problems articulating and being opinionated and etc in real life and in person interviews. This is just different. You can not prepare for something like this effectively. Now I totally leave this admission chance up to the universe
  12. Hey all while waiting to hear from a school lol. I thought I’d share some humble stat with you all. Age/Gender/Citizenship 30/F/CA Undergraduate degree/School/Year graduated Ecology and Biology / 2014/ UBC GPA - GRE - TOEFL (for Int'l students) 3.6 Work Experience: Almost 3 year in Architecture and urban design so far (mostly architecture) 5+ year volunteering at a local NPO pretty relaxant to urban planning other undergrad experience include some field ecology research and experience as an assistant to curator at the Beatty biodiversity museum at UBC Letter of recommendations: (from whom) Prof from undergrad/ Senior associate architect / senior associate urban designer Schools applied; UBC In: Out: Wait-list: Awaiting: UBC Results: had interview with UBC I’m trying to keep myself busy at work and try not to come but I can’t! The interview was difficult. I felt like I should’ve said this and that. Why did I forget it.. But I wanna give myself some credit for staying true to myself and honest and consistent with my values. Hope that was one of the purposes of these speed virtual interviews.
  13. holy just completed my video interview at ubc scarp. it was pretty difficult for me. its hard to complete my ideas in 3 minutes. it feels very good its done.
  14. Wow that’s great! Thank you again for the interview feedback. I hope you have a restful happy weekend! ?
  15. How did it go? Did you like the interview? Do you think the kind of questions will help the admission committee to make decisions? I will probably have mine on Sunday. thank you!
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