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Everything posted by nyc_brooklyn_

  1. It's really frustrating. They don't really respond to emails or phone calls. I had most success reaching out through the Chat function... but the hours are irregular. it says 5-6pm Mon-Thursday but they weren't online this Monday or Tuesday at that time. I was able to talk to someone on the chat yesterday but it was around 2pm. I'm glad i'm not the only one having this issue. I hope we all hear back soon.
  2. How early did you apply? I submitted my application on December 22 and My application was complete on January 7 (this is when all my recommendation letters were submitted) I interviewed last Tuesday and the interviewer told us we will hear back by that Friday. I'm feeling a little time crunch because today is the last day to make decision for NYU. I guess I'll hear back in 3 weeks or so.
  3. I interviewed last week and was told I would hear back by last Friday. I emailed my interviewer Friday evening after I haven't heard back from them. I called and email silberman admission this week and I still haven't heard back. Also my application status still says: pending interview It's kind of crazy to think some ppl are still going through the admission process and other ppl are getting orientation stuff... ?‍♂️
  4. I got accepted to NYU and i'm "pending interview" for hunter. I'm really hoping to get into Hunter because I live in NYC and there's such a big difference in tuition. A mentor who went to NYU told me that she went to NYU because it had a better clinical program but she said both programs are good and at the end will get MSW so she didn't think it made too big of difference. It's been really great participating in all of NYU admitted student events. I was able to sit in a class taught by Professor Amanda Mays and now I am very tempted to accept the NYU admission. I submitted my application date for hunter 12/22/2020 and my application was completed 1/7/2021. It's frustrating to have to wait so long... I had to ask NYU to extend my decision twice.
  5. My application status changed to Pending Interview last Friday 3/19 and haven't received any email about scheduling interview yet (other than the erroneous email sent to everyone). I will probably email them if I don't hear back by next week.
  6. My application status has just changed last Friday to pending interview but i haven't received any email asking to register for an interview time. (Other than the glitched email that was sent to everyone).
  7. I remembered that i had number for an admissions person that helped me with my application before. He said the email regarding interviews were sent erroneously to everyone (people who already accepted/ people who were already denied/ etc) He said my application was still being reviewed(as stated on my application status).
  8. It was a glitch...and I didn't get an interview. My application status still says "being reviewed"
  9. I didn't get any email.... other than the one where they ask you to sign up for interview time.
  10. I tried to call them about it but I can't find a phone number that works. Has anyone who have not been accepted, heard back about this interview glitch?
  11. OMG... i wonder if it was a glitch.... maybe i didn't get interview.... LOL I GUESS WE'LL ALL FIND OUT TOMORROW!
  12. I just got an email asking to sign up for interview but all the dates are sold out. I sent a reply asking what i should do.. when i go to the application status page, it still says "being reivewed"
  13. Mine still says... "Being Reviewed" did yours go from being reviewed to pending program decision?
  14. I used the chat feature to message admissions again today. They said I am at the final stages of review process and should hear back in a week and that they will let the reviewers know that I need the decision expedited because I've been accepted to other programs. This is exactly what they said last week. lol I'll stop bothering them and just be patient and wait.
  15. Has anyone else heard back?
  16. Congratulations! Mine still says "Being Reviewed" I hope I hear back by next week.
  17. I finished my application on January 7... The status was "Submitted" for a while. Feb 15, I emailed admissions to ask about timeline because I've been accepted to other schools. Since then, my status has been "Being Reviewed." I just used the Chat function on the Silberman's website to talk to admissions and they said my application was in final review stage and I should hear back in a week or so... Has anyone received a rejection from Hunter? or do they send off Deny letter at the end, all together?
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