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Everything posted by StudentUSA

  1. Those who are negotiating deferrals, do they still allow students to defer this year? and I guess only by 2 years?
  2. If they don't commit to admitting a full class, there will always be speculations about deferrals, which will further discourage good applicants. Not good for them
  3. If Harvard is doing it, shouldn't HKS be doing it as well to be consistent? And we might be more affected bc of higher %age of internationals
  4. I don't think they are increasing the class size at all just looking at the rejection rate. But hey guys, here is an important message. Let's have a petition for a class size increase. If this was a normal year we could have got in. The entire process at HKS is just grueling this year, and all the deferrals and the record number of applications made this year the most competitive ever. Let's email them, especially those rejected & waitlisted!
  5. Wooow which program?
  6. In case we reapply in the future, do we have to rewrite all essays? That was a lot. Or just updating our resume would be enough?
  7. So the magazine really didn't mean anything... Which program did you apply to? Could you share with us your background?
  8. Im also curious how to get into public sector consulting. Do you have to study those case books like preparing for management consulting interviews?
  9. I really don't get it. why does the results page (see the link below) show only half page for 2021 so far, especially given we had record number of applications this year? Looking at 2020 on page 2, the results came right on March 19th were almost one page! There is of course a selection bias that those accepted tend to self-report, but then it says more that the rejection rate this year is much higher. https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=harvard+kennedy+school&t=a&o=&p=1 Why did Matt leave all of a sudden? such a crazy year...
  10. I really don't get it. why does the results page (see the link below) show only half page for 2021 so far, especially given we had record number of applications this year? Looking at 2020 on page 2, the results came right on March 19th were almost one page! There is of course a selection bias that those accepted tend to self-report, but then it says more that the rejection rate this year is much higher. https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=harvard+kennedy+school&t=a&o=&p=1
  11. Let's! feel like more waitlisted (and more rejected) this year!
  12. Waitlisted. But would accept my offer if I were offered. Congratz to those admitted!! I hope to join you guys this year! Fingers crossed!
  13. I only have one question and it is very important to me. Can waitlisters defer their offers if they get one? I heard hks has strict non-deferal policy for people on the waiting list. With no funding, I will likely have to work one year or two more before attending ?
  14. Actually HKS already took that into consideration when it sent out the offers. They always send out many more offers than places available. So even if 30 percent decline, they might still not go into the waiting list. Searched the admission rate for people on the waiting list is 18 percent on average for an university.
  15. Feel like this year there are many more people put on waiting list. It's very unlikely that we are getting any offer. It's just a soft decline.
  16. me too. I suppose they are putting a lot of people on WL this year to hedge against international deferrals like last year
  17. Me - does it mean that we have no funding and we can't defer?
  18. I thought you have to rewrite essays?
  19. I'm waitlisted. Does it mean non deferral & no funding?
  20. We can't be like this for another 3 hours, let alone 7 days!
  21. I still can
  22. That's quite something!!!
  23. The only link which doesn't work for me is the MPAID one, it asks me to sign in with my school email, weird.
  24. which program are you in? both it changed for both MPP and MPA-ID
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