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Everything posted by StudentUSA

  1. You mean just the MPA-id program? or how can there be only 45 deferrals for all 3 programs ?
  2. Yeah figures crossed!
  3. Where is the IDE results page on GC? (I'm new to the forum) I work in development and here people always talk about these programs. I don't know how they got the deferral number either because I wasn't not particularly interested in IDE. Yes, I applied to MPA-ID
  4. ID programs depend on the cohort too. Which country do you specialize in? If you were interviewed for any of the fellowships, you can definitely get in
  5. I was looking into IDE as well, didn't end up applying. Yale IDE is not well managed AFAIK. They completely messed up with deferrals last year, so the program is probably taking few students this year. When you have such a bad situation you probably want your applicants to know. And the program is for people who want to be a research assistant/phd vs. HKS wants their students to create an impact. All that to say is, don't be discouraged. Your GRE score is amazing. I'm sure HKS can discover your talent and has more to offer. Do you have offers from other schools?
  6. The guy in the info session mentioned that only two people will be reading each application, are they like rate each essay with a score then add them together? and I did disclose my political leanings (unwise), what if mine don't align with these two people?
  7. nah im a us citizen so can't apply for WB
  8. Fair enough. How's the split though? If it's 15/85 this year is still ok (and next year will be more problematic)
  9. Does anyone have to make a decision before HKS' offer? If HKS' decisions come out too late, they will lose a lot of people with earlier decision timelines.
  10. Super helpful. Was the split the same for MPA-ID? That's where most internationals are. Have you heard anything about the ID program?
  11. seems like there were a lot of deferrals from international students last year. but I guess also less internationals applying this year.
  12. can you appeal the decision? I've made some significant progress in my career since the submission of my application. Should i send an email to update them on that? (I know the official answer is no but any comments?)
  13. I read that people were assigned a financial counselor on MYFAID in previous years, but I don't see the contact info on MYFAID. Has anyone rejected ever received the MYFAID email?
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