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Everything posted by itsgoinggrad2021

  1. Is anyone in this thread still making a decision? / heard back from the financial aid appeal process?
  2. Hi there is a Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fletcheraugust2021admittedstudents/?multi_permalinks=1474539579553958%2C1474211959586720%2C1473930772948172&notif_id=1616018087672784&notif_t=group_activity&ref=notif Also, I received work study as well and I did work study in undergrad so I assume its similar. You'd probably need to seek out a job yourself through a portal or some resource that I am not entirely sure of yet. I got my job in undergrad through a job fair the first week and worked at the same office all four year, so that was easy enough.
  3. If you contact the office, there is an official appeal process that they can send you a link to. I haven't heard about federal financial aid yet.
  4. that's wild no one heard about funding if its supposedly in the letter... hopefully that was an error and another letter comes out ? I live in NYC and FAM IT IS NOT CHEAP cannot fathom paying full price for this school.
  5. OMFG SAME IT HAPPENED FAM but where that financial aid be though... ?
  6. https://www.sipa.columbia.edu/academics/compare-programs This page has the approximate class sizes reported by the school. I think it is total though not by year, so I suppose it's approximately that number/2.
  7. Maybe they forgot it was daylight savings time lol. I know I did ? geez okay the 19th seems late but I’m holding out hope for today.
  8. I’m going to simply combust if it’s the end of the week??? also didn’t realize the MIA and MPA drops may come at different times ?
  9. Not to be dramatic, but if it doesn’t happen today I am going to lose my dang mind. But there’s something poetic about dropping decisions on the Ides of March so I think it’s fitting.
  10. From what I can gather on this site, most of the people are high-stress and high-achieving and more often get in than not, so I doubt this entire thread got rejected and the large drop just hasn’t happened yet. Hang in there fam! Don’t worry about a few outliers!
  11. After submitting my applications I usually fall asleep for the next week going over my essays word-for-word in my head like a psychopath. I'm on dreams about being on campuses but not actually a student. I am so ready to be done with this application season. I did get into 3/3 schools so far and this is my last one so technically everything is fine but I want that clean sweep.
  12. Nope, not dramatic at all. I promise you if we don't hear tonight I will personally go stake out the admissions office.
  13. Yes, I wasn't going to enter the forums but it's actually nice to collectively freak out. I live 16 blocks from Columbia and trying to resist walking up there and manifesting on the library steps. Someone tell me that won't help or I will lol
  14. I'm fairly certain it'll happen today for no good reason besides past knowledge, this forum's affirmations and the fact I've gotten all my acceptances when I thought I would this year. So good luck everyone, hang in there!!! This is my last one and I'm dying a little bit but it's all going to be fine either way.
  15. Yay everybody! I am into the MALD program with a little less funding than I wanted but still thrilled nonetheless. Already into BU for Econ with aid and American for International Economics too. Waiting for SIPA by end of the week hopefully! 3/4 ain't bad.
  16. Oh good to know, thanks! Good luck everybody!!!
  17. I hope so! Can't focus now but hopefully we'll hear some news later idk why else they would post that blog. In the past year it happened on the second Monday of March too I believe. Not sure what time.
  18. just saw this blog post posted to the site https://sites.tufts.edu/fletcheradmissions/2021/03/your-admissions-decision-primer/ checked portal and no update but maybe later today?!
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