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Everything posted by CompGuy

  1. Do we have any idea what the acceptance rate was this year for MPP? I might be reading this incorrectly but it feels that more people were accepted this year than last (just judging by this thread/the grad cafe results page)
  2. Extremely struggling between SSP and HKS MPP. Want to get into the NatSec field, but my heart tells me to go HKS (and that it wouldn't preclude me from a NatSec career later down the line). What do you all think?
  3. Any idea what the acceptance rate for HKS MPP is this cycle?
  4. Oooh sorry, get what you're saying re: Admission results.
  5. Sorry, I don't follow--you're saying that you got accepted last week and rejected today?
  6. I got aid and there's a paragraph that says I received it. "Upon the recommendation of the Admissions Committee, I am pleased to approve your admission to the M.A. in Security Studies program, effective with the Fall 2021 Semester. Be sure to print or save a copy of this letter for your future reference.I am also pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive a merit-based Graduate School financial aid award. More information about your award and how to accept it is detailed in the financial award letter that will follow." Then it just talks about putting down a deposit.
  7. Yeah heavily considering it. Got a 5k a semester merit too!
  8. Aaaah found it--thank you!!
  9. I got into SSP too with a "merit scholarship" but it doesn't say how much. Rheana--where'd you find yours?
  10. Yep! Got into SAIS with 15k a year scholarship. Waiting on SSP and HKS MPP.
  11. Thank you so much for the clarification! All is not lost
  12. Do we have any idea when SSP admissions will be sent out? Have they already been sent out?
  13. Hey all. Was just wondering if any of you had some insight into what SAIS' MAIR acceptance rate is. Unlike other programs of similar caliber (MSFS, SIPA, etc.), it isn't listed anywhere. Thanks!
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