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  1. same hehe
  2. Thank you and the others who replied to my post so much! Your thoughts and experiences were super helpful!
  3. so it's better I stay in my degree?
  4. Hey guys, Idk if this is the right place to ask this but maybe someone here will know ... If I take an extra year to a semester to upgrade as part of my degree, how is that looked at by universities? (this means I will be graduating in 5.5 to 6 years (total)) Is this an issue? is it better if i graduate then upgrade ? what are you thoughts please let me know
  5. Hey guys does anyone know if uofa will count back to get 60 credits since they are counting winter 2020 marks or do they count as credits but just not calculated for GPA?
  6. what are your stats and experiences?
  7. i honestly don't know, i've waited so long its tiring
  8. MPH and domestic
  9. From uofa
  10. does uofa have a number I can call or are they online?
  11. If anyone knows pre-screening means rejected please let a sister know ... Thank you
  12. that's what I've been trying to figure out! If there have been a round of rejections already or they just wait to send out rejections all together? if they have rounds of offers?? I'm so confused and have so many questions and so tired of waiting just want an answer already
  13. YES!! people on this forum said they got in and their deadline to accept is tmr!
  14. But what does it even mean to be pre-screening in APRIL ... like I don't understand if I'm just not considered or what. Because some people already got their acceptances and I believe their deadline to accept was tmr!
  15. im literally still pre-screening im so confused
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