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Everything posted by MPH_16

  1. I am domestic and requested part-time, online admission.
  2. Received an acceptance to UVIC today as well
  3. I just received an acceptance through their application portal. It said that I had an action required and in it was an acceptance letter with a deadline of April 7th to accept. Only form of communication I've received so far so I'd check back through their application portal periodically. Good luck!
  4. Thank you for the update and congrats on the acceptance! Well done! May I ask what your stats were?
  5. Wondering if any U of A Health Promo acceptances have been part-time or part-time distance students? I applied as a domestic part-time and distance learning student and have had my application under review since early January. Does anyone know if part-time and/or distance students have found out later than full-time students in the past? For context, I am have been working full-time in a public health research position for 3 years and have 3 years of academic research experience before this, hold a 3.8/4.0 GPA, worked frontline and volunteered for 3 years in a public health position, have published academic work in an international, peer-reviewed journal, and have had work presented at an international conference, provincial conference, and at a Canadian Public Health Association webinar.
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