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Everything posted by mfish

  1. Thanks for sharing that information! It makes planning a little easier.. I noticed that the courses were only in-person if they were under 20 people!
  2. I’ll be doing the Health Promotion stream as well! Hopefully they do reach out - I so not feel prepared to register with so little information.
  3. I only saw in-person ones for class sizes of 15 or less. I’m certainly not upset about either form of delivery, I just wish they would clearly indicate their intentions!
  4. That’s what I thought, but all of the class listings indicate that SPH classes are all “online” for their location as opposed to “main” for on campus.
  5. Hello Everyone! Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear back from a school! If anyone who was accepted to a program is still lurking here, have your schools made announcements as to whether you will be in-person or online next year? U of A seemingly hasn’t made any official announcements yet, but almost all of the MPH courses are 100% online according to the calendar released this week. Any other U of A MPH student notice the same thing? and do you think it’s reliable or subject to change? I’m an out of province student and I’m trying to decide if I need to start making moving arrangements.
  6. I got an offer on March 24th and had to respond by the 31st. I thought all of the acceptances had already gone out, due to a couple people posting their acceptances on the forum a few weeks prior to my acceptance, but I was pleasantly surprised! Best of luck to you - hope you hear soon.
  7. Thanks for the heads up! I will do just that. and Congratulations!!
  8. I applied to the same stream as you at UofA and my portal shows the exact same thing. I'm glad someone else noticed it, because I couldn't figure out if it had been there all along! My guess is that it is an auto-generated field that showed up on all the applications once they started sending out offers, but let me know if you get to the bottom of it!
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