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Everything posted by undecidedgirl

  1. Thanks @minniexo_ for your reply. I think that's the move..I'm so conflicted as my supervisor is dope, and I feel almost guilty for declining. Tough choices.
  2. Hi all, I got into the Health Sciences program at SFU (MSc) with a *lowwww* 3.0 GPA + got 19k funding (Woot!). BUT...I got a job as an RA at UBC full time last month with a prof in Health Sciences. I did not apply to UBC as I did not imagine that I'd get in with my GPA? *I live on the west side of Vancouver and would prefer not to commute to SFU, and obv UBC is a superior school* Should I decline my SFU offer and continue to work a year as an RA w a reputable lab, or take the SFU offer, or defer???? I seriously DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DOOOOOOO! Thanks in advance ❤️
  3. I got into the MSc Health Sciences program at SFU with a *lowwww* 3.0 GPA + got 19k funding (Woot!). BUT...I got a job as an RA at UBC full time last month with a prof in Health Sciences ? Should I decline my SFU offer and work a year, or take the SFU offer, or defer???? I seriously DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DOOOOOOO
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