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Mswhopeful97 last won the day on April 8 2021

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  1. Hey honestly I'm not sure yet! York is offering me a lotttt of money in funding whereas U of T isn't. However I want to go into clinical social work and U of T is known for its clinical affiliations and it's tougher to get a clinical placement at York. I've heard amazzzinngg things about York's program as well. I'm really not sure!
  2. Hey all! A while back I posted about getting into U of T’s 2 year MSW and today I got a call from York saying I got into their 2 year MSW as well! However MyFile hasn’t updated yet. Just wanted to give a heads up that offers seem to be rolling out by phone call (which I’m not surprised by as there’s only 20 admitted for the 2 year and they’re probably trying to see who’s still interested considering it’s so late). Fingers crossed for all you!
  3. Hey so I just graduated last year from law/justice studies with a minor in health & aging at Mac. I had only 2 related paid experiences since 2018 (counselling related) and a handful of short term volunteering experiences over the course of undergrad (2016-2020), I founded a cultural club at Mac, and I have 1+ years of grassroots community work. Only about 2000 hours total. I was very confident in my written application though, personally I think that was stronger than my resume. Also, my final year GPA was a 3.98. Hang in there yall! ❤️❤️❤️
  4. Yes thats possible because my last name starts with an A!!! So hang in there folks ❤️
  5. ACORN updated as well! SGS, acorn, and email were all updated around the same time I think but I just so happened to check SGS when the decision was made.
  6. Yes I got an email but I saw the SGS update first because I kept on refreshing the page. Also my ACORN is updated as well. Wishing you all the best of luck!
  7. GO CHECK SGS ADMISSION PORTAL!!!! I just got into the 2 year MSW program at U of T !!!! Fingers crossed for all of you!
  8. Hey yall. Do we think U of T will send out decisions this week or will it most likely be next week? This wait is brutal :’(
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