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Posts posted by Humbd

  1. Hey, guys. Still trying to figure out what to do, but will definitely try DAAD's scholarship again. 

    Wanted to know from you that got the scholarship: which things would you say that contributed to be selected? Any advice on the motivation letter and the CV? Any comments regarding the application? 


  2. 15 minutes ago, Zhama said:

    Hi everyone! Do we have anyone here who was reserved and now his/her status changed? I received results in the second half of April and didn't hear anything from DAAD still. Little bit nervous and started to think that there is no chance for me :(((

    Are you trying the Master of All Disciplines? I guess this delay is because DAAD didn't release the results yet for some parts of Europe. Maybe you will only hear from them in July or later. All the processes are very slow at the moment. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ufora said:

    Called the Brussels office yesterday for news about the results and they said they'd ask in Bonn. Today I got an email from someone in Bonn that basically said the same thing as the message in the portal from 5 weeks ago:

    Delays due to covid. The results "sind eingegangen" (were received) and are being processed right now. "Sie erhalten in Kürze Nachricht." = You'll be notified *soon*. Is that better or worse than "this week or the next"? ? I'm not quite sure 

    They put Wolfgang Gairing in CC though! He's the head of the Western, Central and Southern Europe programs. So they got my e-mail and they for sure know we're an anxious bunch right now ;) Let's keep up the pressure!

    Apparently our offices sent them the reply some time ago. My country office said that my results should be expected in May (so they sent around this time). 

  4. 2 hours ago, sofiamariiz said:

    This is insane... I need to accept or reject my university application next week and it depends on he daad results so I guess I'm screwed now :)

    I cant believe they have taken this long! I havent been able to get jobs and neither plan my life in Germany! My partner was planning on moving to Germany with me and now it's not possible because it's already very late!

    this is just so stressful (and disrespectful), I just want to know so I can plan my future, man :(

    just a vent from a fellow portuguese masters applicant! All the best to you guys, you have made a the waiting much easier!

    Hey, Sofia, same boat. Do you know anyone that was called for an interview, if we really have an interview? Do you know other people that applied as well? 

    From the data of last years, I didn't see many scholarship holders from Portugal. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Cam31 said:

    Guys, I have just got an email from my Phd supervisor.

    They called her this morning from the Graduate School for telling her that I have got the scholarship!!!

    I am still waiting for an official communication from DAAD but... GUYS!!!!!!!!!! Can't really belive!!!


    THAT IS INSANE. Congratulations! That is exciting. 

    Our guru is going to Germany, guys. Haha ? But, no, seriously, congrats. You totally deserve it. 

  6. 16 hours ago, Cam31 said:

    I'm quite scared/worried about the German course timetable... let's hope about some flexibility!

    No probs at all! I don't remember where exactly are you planning to study, hopefully I'm going to be in Berlin ???? 

    Hopefully Osnabrück or Nuremberg

  7. 39 minutes ago, Cam31 said:

    @Humbd don't miss @Lilolello's post! I think is an important thing. ??

    Oh, Cam, thank you so much. I just saw your notification on my phone. Glad that you remembered me! 

    And I think good things are coming, despite all of this. Hopefully everybody here receives a good sign. And that we meet in Germany for a cup of coffee

  8. Congratulations to those of you that got admitted! Hoping to feel the same excitement soon ? You deserve it after this long wait and hardwork. 

    Ah, also a doubt popped up. As I filled my top 3 choices of Masters' programs last year, and didn't know I was going to find a problem with one of those choices, I was wondering how I can tell DAAD that I want to change one university there. This is due to one specific document that this German university requests, and, when talking with my university's coordinator about it this year, they said they can't prepare it until the deadline. 

  9. 20 minutes ago, sofiamariiz said:

    Hey! Anyone from Portugal applying for Masters in all disciplines? Any news?

    My status is still "paper copies received" and no news at all... they didn't even say a deadline for the results! As anyone applied to universities yet? I think I will apply today but not knowing the results is pretty useless...


    I applied! 

    Still the same status as you. I asked the Embassy and they said that results are usually published in May, but everything is up to the DAAD office in Bonn. 

  10. 1 hour ago, kalys228 said:

    Salut, deadline was 1 february, i have recieved the message telling that the commission results would be announced in end or April. No mention of interviews whatsoever, nor in the automatically generated messages, neither in the instructing documents of french DAAD bureau. 

    I also have these "Insurance policy" and "Medical data policy" docs in Navigation menu.

    But, the fact that i didn't get the interview still makes me nervous.

    Not even making it to the interviews is kinda shameful for me, if there are such things for France.

    Anyways, I hope for the best.

    As far as I know, people who had interviews had them in the beginning of April - the latest. And they had their status as "pre-selection made". So I guess it is alright for you. The Western-Southern section/bureau doesn't ask for interviews, from the comments I've seen.

    So "selection made" means that your results will come soon.

    Hopefully for everybody still waiting we can hear some good news in the next days! ?

  11. 4 hours ago, Shaily said:

    Hi everyone!

    I'm still waiting for possitive results? 

    Have you already applied to universities, even if the result hasn't come yet?

    Still waiting here. Think that middle of May would be more realistic for me. 

    But I only applied to one university so far (that didn't need uni-assist). The others I will wait until middle of May to get an updated document that my university needs to send.  

  12. 13 minutes ago, Ufora said:

    No changes here either - still paper copies received. I also get the "already been insured" message, but no clue if that's just a bug / something that everyone has ¿ Nothing about a bank statement though 

    Yes, I was also thinking that was a bug, as we are still applicants and maybe we are not allowed to go to this section until we get our results... 

  13. 5 hours ago, WS11 said:

    Are you sure these portal changes did not happen for everyone? Mine has also something about bank statement and insurance policy ? 

    I noticed I have this "consent processing medical data" but nothing about bank statement. I also don't know if all applicants have that since the start, because I didn't observed the options I had in the portal.

    Also, when I click on the Insurance tab now, it says: "You are or have already been insured by the DAAD. Please contact the insurance department to change your insurance-related data, extend or take out a new insurance policy". You guys also have something like that? 

    So far no change in the status - still "paper copies received" ?

  14. 4 minutes ago, Verner said:

    yes, in my country

    437 people applying just from your country? ?

    Here the DAAD scholarships are not that known. Just met one person that applied, and look that I participate in some groups around the internet relating to that. 

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