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Everything posted by Ufora

  1. Yesss, join us in the eternally waiting corner! ☺️
  2. The way I am CACKLING at this ? amaaaazing
  3. What are we thinking @Cam31? Another week with no news? June will tell all? ?
  4. Aw, sorry to hear that! ? Was this for the All Disciplines category? But thank you for letting us know, seems like they might finally be getting the ball rolling then... Nothing for Belgium though, still paper copies received!
  5. You're becoming our oracle! ? ✨ Mirror mirror on the wall, will we ever get the results at all...
  6. Yes, I definitely applied! But I noticed some other people on the forum were a bit hesitant..
  7. Exactly, it's been quiet for so long... I'm accepting @Cam31's prediction that we probably won't hear anything this week (again). If they don't tell us next week, aka before June (!), I'm gonna be real pissed off though. We've been waiting anxiously every week since April! June would be too much + university applications are starting to close so?
  8. (Because we need even more memes) DAAD 2 weeks ago: As of now we are still waiting for the last decisions to arrive. The last decisions:
  9. @Martacapp Hey! I don't know if this helps but you can see in the DAAD's annual reports how many people they funded from each country. For example in 2019, 49 Italian Master students received indivual funding, for example. In Belgium, my case, there were only 3 :") That statistic helped keep my expectations in check. But I agree, top grades and study abroad seems like exactly what they're looking for... Let's just keep waiting it out huh...
  10. Looks like we're heading for another week with no news huh ?
  11. I didn't apply to this scholarship, but I'd say it doesn't necessarily have to mean anything that they haven't reached out yet! My deadline was November, they said they'd contact us in April, and we still haven't heard anything. There are big delays due to Covid, so I wouldn't panic yet!
  12. They've noticed our desparate emails ? That's progress!
  13. !! Just got this message via the portal !! "The selection process for the scholarship programme you applied for was scheduled to be finished in the end of March 2021. Due to the solely digital selection process and the situation around the Covid19 pandemic, the communication with the relevant selection commiteemembers does take up more time than usual. We wanted to apologize for the delay in the selection process. As of now we are still waiting for the last decisions to arrive. As soon as we receive them, we will inform you on the results of the selection process as fast as possible."
  14. @Verner @Salome Margvelashvili @Go_simbra Wow, amazing news! Still nothing from Belgium but I got really happy reading these messages ☺️
  15. I have no clue (sorry) but I hope this isn't the case... Since applying in November my second choice has kind of become my first, *if* I got the scholarship (big if) I'd be really bummed if I could only study my first option..
  16. Hoi, same here! No news from me from Belgium. Still 'paper copies received'. I sent an email to the Brussels offices on Friday though, just to their general address, not a specific person. I asked if they have any info at all on when results will be out. Let's hope for some news next week! (Realizing the irony of us saying this every single week ?)
  17. Quick question: How did you go about contacting them? I'm not quite sure who I should contact and how?
  18. Salut! I'm the girl from Belgium. Was your application deadline also in November? And did you get a message telling you when they would give you the results? For me they said they would meet in March and tell us the result 3 weeks later. There was no mention of interviews. Maybe if this is the same for you there are no interviews in France either? But it's interesting that your status changed to 'selection made'! Mine is till 'paper copies received', since November ? So selection made could be a good sign for you? Or maybe it means that an interview is still to come, I have no idea.. But if they were also supposed to announce the results around April / May in France then I don't think there'll be an interview anymore hahah
  19. Wow, congrats!! (You're from Armenia right? Did the status change for you at 21:00? They still change it that late?) No news from Belgium ? like please just give us an update on the delays! since normally we should have gotten the news by now ?
  20. No changes here either - still paper copies received. I also get the "already been insured" message, but no clue if that's just a bug / something that everyone has ¿ Nothing about a bank statement though
  21. Las thing I heard was in November, half a year ago ? I'm also intrigued by the people on here who've successfully contacted their local offices though... I'm *almost* considering it but idk, should probably just train my patience
  22. How did they communicate this to you? Through an e-mail? I'm dying for some news from Bonn :')
  23. No news from Belgium! I don't know any other Belgian applicant though (and haven't spotted anyone on this forum) so any info I have is just my personal info. Was hoping they'd keep their promise of "3 weeks after our meeting in March" but alas... They could at least let us know if there's a delay ?
  24. I'm 99% sure we don't have interviews in Belgium, for whatever reason...* So my status had been and is still 'paper copies received', since November ? * A friend if mine received the scholarship two years ago and there was no interview.
  25. Three weeks after their meeting in March, they said (ages ago). So worse case scenario: They met the 31st. That means we should have the results by Wednesday, but I'm definitely not holding my breath... It's so weird that almost nobody in Northern/Northwestern Europa has heard anything. I'd be highly surprised if Belgium were the first to announce them :')
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