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Posts posted by hydro

  1. 3 hours ago, jpc34 said:

    Now that we’re well into October, where are other people at in the process? Finalizing lists, preparing SOPs? I think it’s kind of interesting that this forum is relatively quiet compared to last year. 

    I secured my 3 letters and I have a polished writing sample (@TheWitWitch thanks for the suggestions and the offer to help), so all I need to do is write the research part of my statement of purpose and reach out to potential faculty members I want to work with. 

  2. Are y'all submitting a historical writing sample? I feel like I'm at a disadvantage because I don't have a historical writing sample since I'm switching fields. I do have a writing sample where I interviewed 20 people to showcase my research skills, hopefully this is good enough. My SOP will also highlight why I want to use oral history methods. 

  3. On 7/13/2021 at 6:56 AM, sonnybunny said:

    Apologies for this incredibly late reply... it went really well, thank you for asking. Have you reached out to anyone yet? I've heard August/September is a good time to reach out, but like I said, I reached out in the last few weeks to a handful of professors who were all quite receptive. 

    No worries! I haven't reached out to anyone yet. My goal is to start reaching out by August 2nd. Should I reach out to 2-3 faculty members in a single department or just 1? 

  4. 9 hours ago, sonnybunny said:

    I know it is a bit earlier to be contacting potential advisors, but has anyone else sent out some introductory emails? I sent out a handful and had my first zoom call with a potential advisor today. It was a bit nerve-wracking, but overall ended in a great conversation. 

    Congrats! How did the conversation go? So far I have a spreadsheet of faculty I want to reach out to. I'm still figuring out what to include in the introductory email, and when to send emails out.  

  5. 8 hours ago, AP said:

    As many as you can afford. It's nice that some faculty think that students have $800 for admissions... that was not my case. 

    Facts. I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of fellowships and scholarships before I decide how many applications to submit. 

    Anyone have experience with fee waivers? Does it vary by school and department how waivers are distributed? 

  6. Hi everyone! I've also been a longtime lurker. How many programs are y'all applying to this cycle? I can't decide. One of my professors told me 8 programs and another professor told me as many that I "fit" well with. 

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