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Everything posted by emeraldsapphire

  1. @flowersandcoffee, I'm at Yale currently. I was talking with a prof in the History department on the morning of Jan 10. I remember he said at that point, subfields hadn't yet ranked candidates. So I'm guessing that the fact that one person got an interview on the 11th either means that subfields ranked people that very afternoon or, probably more likely, one subfield was just ahead of the game and already had their top candidates in mind. I remember he said official decisions wouldn't come out until early February.
  2. I'm one of the berkeley admits but not in any of the subfields mentioned above. Best wishes to everyone still waiting.
  3. @bigshand @MKPolicy, I was in the History, not Theology, PhD program at ND (for awhile) and granted my admit season was a few years ago, but fwiw I got the interview invite on Jan 27 and was flown out Valentine's weekend. (That department at least has since switched to zoom interviews). In Theology, I don't know the timeline as well but I would imagine all subfields would hold interviews at roughly the same time (would be odd to me if they were wildly different). But who knows. Also, I've been talking about this with someone on here offline, but for anyone with insight or thoughts: I have a Duke ThD interview coming up and am really not feeling it. Given other PhD programs I've already gotten into this round, I feel certain I would not do the ThD if offered a place. The Duke PhD, however, is my top choice for Religion programs. Should I cancel the ThD interview? Is there any way that going through with it could help me with getting into the GPR? (I understand it's two different admission processes). Is there any reason that canceling the interview could hurt me with getting into the GPR? Doubt it has any bearing but am still conflicted.
  4. @medievalpeasant, I'll PM you ?
  5. @medievalpeasant, Notre Dame typically does interviews, though judging by past years, it's a little early to have heard from them yet (unless they've bumped up the timeline). Btw, happy to talk about ND if anyone has questions -- I was a PhD student in the History dept there once upon a time ?
  6. @TheWitWitch, I didn't apply to Colubmia so don't know specifically about there, but as I'm learning from another program this cycle, sometimes some subfields do interviews and others don't for grad admissions. So doesn't always mean you're out of the running!
  7. @wynntir, I know right? I actually wasn't expecting Berkeley to because when I talked with my POI last week, he said it would probably be about three weeks/the end of January. Maybe more departments will surprisingly speed things along!
  8. @timurdidnothingwrongand @flowersandcoffee, thanks so much! I'm in early modern. What about you guys? By the way, I posted earlier about Berkeley wanting to eventually expand their graduate student numbers, but I believe this year was still incredibly tight so if you don't/haven't heard anything, I'm sure it is *not* a reflection on you. My POI told me back in the fall that they would only be admitting a miniscule number this year, unfortunately, so it was crazy competitive.
  9. @timurdidnothingwrong, thank you! Did you also apply?
  10. @timurdidnothingwrong, No it was an official letter from the department admin but my two POIs were CC'd. But yes, got it this evening.
  11. Accepted at Berkeley! Anybody else?
  12. Has anyone had any dreams about the application process while waiting to hear back from places? Last night, I dreamed that my mom found the head of my subfield at my top choice on facebook and direct messaged him asking about my chances. He answered back (!) and said he couldn't say but that the AdComm had purchased a lot of various paraphernalia from the undergrad institution of each student that they were planning to admit. And he sent her a picture of the room where they stored it all. She showed me the picture so I zoomed in and saw an afghan/throw blanket from my undergrad and we concluded that this must mean I'm being admitted ?. I'm thinking this probably indicates it would be a good idea to stop browsing the online faculty directory trying to guess who's on AdComm right before I fall asleep at night... Best wishes to everyone coming apart at the seams during the waiting game ?
  13. Yeah, one of my profs at Yale said they've gone from around 30 spots to 18 now. And I know of at least one subfield that didn't get anyone last year and he said probably won't this year either. On the other hand, when I interviewed at Berkeley a few weeks ago, my POI said they had cut admission numbers drastically but are trying to rebuild to about where they were before (which he said was around 30). I do think the general trend is to shrink, not enlarge, though.
  14. @Fiat, I think I know who you are! Will text you ? (update: We found each other. It's a small world...)
  15. @bigsh yep that's me on the results page. And @MKPolicy, yeah it's two totally different processes. I haven't heard anything official from the PhD (other than informally from my POI). Unless you're in Early Christianity (and maybe Hebrew Bible/NT), I don't think that the PhD is doing interviews. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong there).
  16. Sorry to clog up this thread but just got a ThD interview email.
  17. Annnnd they're only taking 6 people total. So I'm just going to writhe in agony over here for awhile longer... ?
  18. Update to my earlier post: I heard that Duke PhD *is* doing interviews for at least one subfield.
  19. @sonnybunny, some application portals have a way for you to upload an updated copy of a CV yourself without contacting the department/graduate school. If not, as to whether it's worth contacting anyone to upload it for you, I'd ask myself: (A) Is anything about this promotion directly related to the research/skills I hope to pursue in this graduate program? Unless that's the case, I don't think it's worth it. And (B) When was the program deadline? If you think it's likely the review committee has already read applications, the chances of them going back to look at something like this are slim, IMO.
  20. @MKPolicy, thanks! I'll PM you with the track specifics but as to interviews: I heard that Duke PhD did not do interviews last year, and the thought is that they probably won't this year either. Someone last year said they first heard from the PhD when they got their acceptance letter. *If* it's on the same timetable as last year, we should know by sometime the middle of next week. (Not that I'm counting down the days or anything...)
  21. Are you able to get in touch with your professor now? If so, you could contact your programs and see if they would be willing to accept a late letter.
  22. Always blows my mind how conferences so often look like funerals. Everyone always goes for black! Obvs women can usually get away with wearing brighter/different colors than men can. I try to at least. Conferences can be stale enough without everyone looking like they're in mourning! (No problem if wearing black is your thing btw...I just feel like a lot of people opt for it out of habit without thinking).
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