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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    Clinical Psychology

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  1. Not sure if this is useful to anyone (because I did not know this thread existed haha) but I recently accepted a CGS-M at Ryerson!
  2. Since the UBCV interview weekend is in less than a week, I think all the invites have been sent out already I was also really hopeful for UBCV, but did not hear anything back
  3. Yes! I also have looked all over and can't find anything about UBCV. I did hear that applications were still being reviewed last week, but was expecting something to come out this week.
  4. Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has heard from UBC Vancouver or knows anyone who has? I'm kind of losing hope because I think last year, interviews were sent out quite a while ago ? I received an email from UBCO and was not selected to move forward because of research fit, so was hoping to hear from UBCV
  5. Hi everyone, I just wanted to update that I received an invite to Ryerson graduate visitation day!
  6. Hi, I heard from them in early January for a prelim interview and was told I'd hear about the 'short-list' (those invited to the interview weekend) by late jan/early feb
  7. I'm also waiting to hear from UBCV, so would love if anyone had some insight!
  8. Hi, I received a pre-lim interview from Ryerson a while ago and was told that we'd hear about the official interview weekend by the end of January.
  9. Has anyone heard from UBC-V yet?
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