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Everything posted by Sunocation

  1. I was waitlisted at WVU (CNF) on March 3!
  2. I just received my first response from Ohio State for creative nonfiction. I've been waitlisted!! I am so, SO excited, and REALLY hoping I'll be moving back to Columbus this summer (I'm moving from overseas so basically anywhere is fair game). I can't believe it. I know it's not a full acceptance but the fact that I'm still in the running for osu is nuts to me. I know it's a long shot, but does anyone know the chances of being bumped up from waitlist to shortlist for a creative nonfiction program? Any anecdotal accounts?
  3. Hey guys, I'm relatively new to GradCafe but man, has the advice in this thread been useful over the past few months of lurking. I wanted to thank you guys! I'm a CNF writer and this was my second year of applying to schools. I actually got into a few last year (and funded!!) but the pandemic kept me in Japan one year longer, so I had to go through it all again. But honestly I'm kind of glad I stayed and reapplied this round -- last year I had no idea what I was doing, and not many people could help me out. My parents have never been to grad school and there was just so much information online regarding apps and schools and funding and TAships, it was hard to know where to start. This year I feel a lot more confident about my applications and, with a better understanding of everything, I feel better about my school choices, too. Doesn't stop me from nervously checking my email every morning, but you know how it goes. Anyway, thanks to everyone for the advice over this past year, and good luck to you all!!
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