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medception last won the day on January 30 2022

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  1. Haha oh okay well then who knows what the real answer is.
  2. Found out I am second on the JHU HSR waitlist. They had over 100 apps to the HSR track alone. Whoever else got accepted please decline! Lol. This seriously complicates my life. I don't really want to go to Minnesota but I will if I have to.
  3. Just an email
  4. Update: Was rejected from the Health Econ track but waitlisted for the Health Services Research and Policy track lol
  5. Rejected from Hopkins as I expected - will be attending Minnesota next year!
  6. I couldn't have said it any better! Haha
  7. I believe they interviewed everyone, including myself, but something tells me I'll be attending Minnesota next year....
  8. That's awesome! I'm hoping for the Health Econ track so we'll see lol
  9. Congrats! Which concentration was this for?
  10. If you already got into your top choice, not sure what the utility is of putting yourself through that haha.
  11. JHU decisions for the HPM department supposedly come out this week. I believe they interview everyone who they are shortlisting to accept.
  12. I realized that my top two choices are Minnesota and Hopkins - Minnesota because of ResDAC and their strong health econ / biostats departments, and Hopkins because its in my backyard (would allow me to stay close to my family), and because I did my MPH at Hopkins and enjoyed it. As for why I withdrew - BU's process is super drawn out for the caliber of the school and didn't seem worth it to continue, and I didn't feel like I vibed with Brown during interview day at all. Add to that I felt like they wasted our time selling us on the school when they were planning to reject 80% of us anyway haha.
  13. Yea its honestly pretty frustrating that they don't advertise this info on their website or on SOPHAS before people apply, because they know if they did post the bit about limited funding, very few people would apply and thus they wouldn't get their app fees. Dishonest AF. It just rubbed me the wrong way.
  14. Best of luck!
  15. I just followed up with them and asked what the status was, and they shared an unofficial acceptance with me. I actually just withdrew due to the funding issue and the fact that I'm not a fan of DC's cost of living (I've lived here for many years but on a six-figure salary haha). I can't imagine doing it on 1/5th of my salary.
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