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Everything posted by neeto

  1. Hi! Not OP but I had to choose between Fletcher and IHEID last year. I went with Fletcher's MALD because they allowed me to defer through the MYFP program, but I also preferred their program for a few other unrelated reasons related to my career end goals.
  2. no i havent, just emailed them but kind of worried i got nothing ahahah
  3. i talked to admissions today, they said that the earliest aid letters will come out 10pm pst
  4. oh damn congrats, are you phd?
  5. descisions are out, i got into the MINT program with concentration in conflict, peace, and security! i got denied for financial aid though, but i heard they're notoriously selective about aid so im not too surprised...
  6. my decsision was updated, they added in prep courses i need to take over the summer? anyone else got this?
  7. i just got my descision from ucsd's grad division, im in!!! does anyone know when we hear about financial aid stuff? in all my other decisions (besides American bc they said they'd get back to me in March) i heard about fellowships/scholarships/assistantships in the acceptance letter...
  8. my MINT application remains unchanged
  9. i'm in that boat, kinda scared bc i really like this schools program...
  10. we getting close to the 15th.... ?
  11. oh i didnt get an email from them, thanks for sharing though i applied by the jan 15th deadline myself, but damn that is p late
  12. yea thats what the website says, decisions should come on or around march 15th
  13. i heard back from american, korbel, and gw (along w ucsd nomination).... ucsd'd my top choice so im hoping for a good aid package (if not ucsd id prob committ to iheid's mint bc of awesome prog and tuition price)
  14. i hope soon! probably within the next week or 2
  15. anyone know when should we expect to hear about funding/financial aid (like, historically)?
  16. ah ok thanks, for clarification ill give general details on my profile too: i applied for the mia undergrad major is history and international relations undergrad gpa is 3.9 i go to a state school in ny (currently a student in senior year final semester) professional work experience is just internships but i got a ton of em so maybe i looked cool ahahaha (i hope i get some financial aid....)
  17. i applied for it too also i just got notice that my application was nominated for acceptence and ill hear whats up in a few days, what does this mean, was i accepted (i.e. is this just a formality)?
  18. preferably id go iheid, the cost for the degree is much lower than peer american schools so thats a huge plus, and the program is great for what im going for is it your first choice?
  19. still no word here, im not early notification for disclosure
  20. oh cool im conflict, peace, and security too!
  21. Hi! I applied for the MINT, the wait is hard looking forward to hearing back in mid-March!!!!
  22. oh wow, congrats! hope i hear back from them soon then lol when'd you apply before the 15th deadline? i submitted my app a few hrs before the app was due ahahaha
  23. i applied by the aid deadline, was notified that my app went to adcom but havent heard back in a week or 2.... i did hear back from american and korbel, missing response form gwu tho - what prog did you apply to?
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