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Everything posted by seelamfa22

  1. It was an extremely tough decision but I turned down Cranbrook’s offer of admission that came with a full tuition remission fellowship. :,,,,(
  2. I wrote them last weekend. Good luck, and I hope you get in!
  3. With my heart set on other schools, this week I officially declined admission offers at RISD (painting) and CCA. RISD offered me a fellowship that would have covered about 60% of tuition. CCA offered me $48k scholarship.
  4. Did you receive your letter already? I haven't yet.... uh-oh...
  5. Sharing this article, which I found by reading earlier MFA Freakout Forums: Jerry Saltz on the problem of the MFA (the debt-inducing price tag): https://www.vulture.com/2013/12/saltz-on-the-trouble-with-the-mfa.html
  6. I thought my application to UCLA was not strong. I worked and reworked it until the deadline, and after I submitted it, I felt for sure that I blew it and was so sad. Then I got an interview, and I felt it was the worst interview I did. Because the mood was not cheerful or conversational, I thought that again I blew it. I was so sad. But a couple weeks later, I was told I got in!
  7. I also received my official admit letter from Cranbrook yesterday. The letter included a link to video tours of the campus and facilities, which looked amazing.
  8. Does RISD rank people on their waitlist? I received an offer from RISD painting and am strongly considering an offer from a different school.
  9. I think everyone who got a preliminary offer from UCLA in all disciplines was notified last week. I am not sure, but I think this is likely the case because when I received my phone call from UCLA for painting, the professor said the whole department met on the Friday before our call and decided on the recommendations together.
  10. Congratulations! I wanted to hear from previous applicants too, so I asked the graduate director (of a different school that I got into) to put me in contact with current students in the program, and I asked the grad students this question about how they knew it was the right program for them. It sounds like your practice is already interdisciplinary, so Northwestern might be a good fit. SAIC has a strong studio-practice, which is great if you're not interested in spending your MFA writing papers.
  11. Did everyone who applied to RISD receive an update in their application portal? I received an admit letter, but I will likely decline.
  12. Interviewed with Rutgers today. They're interested in hearing you speak about the overall themes in your portfolio as well as discussing ideas of individual pieces. Then they ask why grad school now. It sounds like a great program, and I had immense admiration for the interviewing faculty.
  13. I hear ya. While waiting, I have read each of the MFA Freak Out forums going back to 2019. I think I will eventually finish as far back as 2012 or something by the time this is over.
  14. Rutgers interviews are happening this coming week.
  15. I don’t believe there is a right or wrong answer, but taking this as a survey I’d like to say that I don’t do any reaching out. I assume I am not accepted into a program until I am. I imagine that there are only two possible answers when you reach out: 1) they tell you to wait 2) they don’t answer. So far I have been accepted into 4 programs. In 3 of them, professors made contact with me after the interview and before the offer. In 1, I got the offer after 2 weeks of silence following the interview.
  16. I would probably reply to the offer by saying specific things about the program that I love, how much I want to attend, and then ask if there is an appeals process to receive more financial aid. Asking for an appeals process before mentioning my offers from other schools just seems more friendly to me, but I don’t know. I know a couple people who have tried negotiating with RISD, but it didn’t work, and they ended up withdrawing. This may change year to year of course.
  17. Thank you! I hope you receive a great offer from UCSD. (I prepared only 1 work to show because that was what was stated in the email instructions... hmm I don't think it meant anything.)
  18. I wish every school was this communicative and prompt.
  19. Congratulations! Are you comfortable sharing with us what scholarships or financial aid awards you received with RISD? I am curious if their financial aid practices have changed from previous years. Thank you.
  20. Had my UCSD interview today. Presented one piece, each faculty asked a follow-up question about the piece, they asked about why grad school now and why UCSD, any professors I wanted to work with, what can I contribute to the program, what skills do I have to support a professor teaching a class, contemporary artists I liked...
  21. This post is for future MFA applicants searching through old forums for UCLA information. I applied to UCLA Painting, interviewed with full departmental faculty February 11, faculty followed up with email on February 13 expressing interest, unofficial offer received February 21. Painting received about 200 applicants this year.
  22. Received admission to UC Berkeley. Anyone else?
  23. I agree that it was tough but extremely thoughtful. I didn't know much about the faculty at NU, but after the interview, I loved the program even more because of them. I wish you good luck and hope you get a great offer from them.
  24. Bravo! Congratulations on the admission AND scholarship. RISD needs artists with unique backgrounds like yours.
  25. Yea I had my interview on February 8.
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