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Everything posted by humbledarrogance

  1. i truly didn't mean that post about you. i should have specified that. i was referring more to the general attitude to folks on draft and here. i feel if you're really wanting to go to NYU and have hope about going then to just wait it out. what's really important is where you feel you fit in the best
  2. tbh there might not be much. if im not mistaken it's fairly a new program. i believe it's 15 years old? its faculty has a great line-up though. i mean John Keene is a MacArthur "Genius" Grant recipient. i believe it's more about what you do with your time at a program over whatever prestige it might have. unless there is something specific that you want. i do have a question though. if you had doubts about Rutgers to begin with why did you apply?
  3. is it true that Michener calls/emails the accepted students over the course of a few days? that mom from earlier talking about her daughter is the only Michener acceptance ive seen at all. and ill admit that, out of despair & envy of the moment (which im not proud of), i thought that one acceptance was bs. but i doubt anyone would lie about that. so im wondering if Michener has rolling acceptance calls?
  4. im just being dramatic. and unhealthily venting my frustrations. also im just extremely hard on myself because i want more than good. i want to be great and write great things. anyone can be a good writer, anyone can produce something good. we all can write something good, but i want to write something great. it's not that i need the programs to achieve what i want to do in writing. it's just the resources these schools hoard and the connections they help to cultivate and harbor that would be helpful to me. at the end of the day i know i can and will write anywhere at anytime in any way i choose.
  5. i think i might be done writing if i get rejected everywhere again. this is my second time doing this and obviously i haven't improved one bit no matter how hard i worked. i just dont have what it takes. i just dont have it. if i cant even make a waitlist im done forever.
  6. i should have done this. would have saved myself the humiliation.
  7. what made me think that i had any possible chance at getting into any the programs i applied? what a fool i've been to think someone of my pathetic writing caliber and ability ever had what it took to be within these programs. i looked over my samples and how humiliated i am. how embarrassed i am to have wasted anyone's time with that bullshit, that garbage. good luck to everyone else. i hope you all get good news. i truly do.
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