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    Comparative Politics. Inter-group relations. South Asia.
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    Not Applicable
  • Program
    Political Science

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  1. Yes, you're absolutely correct. I remember applying last year as well - and they sent a rejection in April (very late) cause I think they forwarded my application to the MA pool (like @uncle_socks mentioned) and then rejected me from the masters too LOL. Although, if I remember correctly - I remember not checking the MA option in my application this year. But in any case, I'm done with my cycle too
  2. What's taking NYU so long to send rejections (I'm assuming) lol. I emailed them in case others waiting wanted to know - they gave a generic response saying you'll find more info on admission decisions timeline on our website. LOL.
  3. Thanks for the heads-up!
  4. Hi lovelies! I just asked Georgetown to take me off their waitlist! Didn't want to keep those waiting to hear from them hanging. Good luck to y'all! My subfield was CP/methods so fingers crossed for all the CP applicants waiting for their decision from them. I'm rooting for you guys.
  5. I'm also guessing next week. Penn I think Feb 24 as per past records but let's see. Fingers crossed. What about cornell? They've been quite silent. Even MIT
  6. Omg! Just got into UCLA! Thought all offers had already gone out so wasn't expecting it at all! CP subfield! Aslo, just interviewed at UC Santa barbara - they should start sending other interview invites soon too! It's been a great evening for me
  7. Hang in there. You only need one. I know it's frustrating but you'll hear back soon
  8. 2 Profs who are on the CP admissions committee this year.
  9. Claiming the recent waitlist post for Georgetown.
  10. Thanks! ugh. +1. Delaying the release of results by a few days/weeks when compared to past cycles gives so much anxiety! But anyway, good look everyone! Hoping we hear from other schools before this week ends
  11. Longtime lurker. So glad I finally got my verification email (after a zillion requests) and can post here finally! Yes, UCSB has been awfully quiet so far.
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