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Ecriture feminine

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  1. I'm unsure! Both of the programs that accepted me had an interview process. I suggest writing to the programs and ask. This is my second application cycle, and last time, they informed me of rejection when I inquired.
  2. I sent an email yesterday to Rutgers and they just answer me that they are still reviewing the applications and putting together offer packages. This process is so anxious!
  3. Hello! I am a bit overwhelmed because I don't have the official offer of UW. Can you tell me what do you think about living there? Do you like it? I also got accepted to Stony Brook, official letter was supposed to be sent last week but didn't happen so I'm just waiting and anxious trying to decide what to do with my life haha. I also applied to Princeton and I know that they had their interviews last weekend so I am assuming rejection, same as CUNY. I still have some hope on Rutgers, tho.
  4. Did they sent you already the full proposal? I am still waiting but happy haha.
  5. Hi, I got a mail from Wisconsin last Friday with acceptance, official letter will arrive in a couple of weeks. Still waiting to hear from Stony Brooke, Princeton, Rutgers, and CUNY. Has anyone heard anything about these last three?
  6. Hello you all. I had my interview with Wisconsin and they said I can assume acceptance with full funding!!! Also I have an interview with Stony Brook this week! So exciting!!! How are you guys doing with your applications?!
  7. Hi! received an email from Wisconsin today requesting an interview!! I am so excited, any tips?! : )
  8. Hello! Hope you are doing okay, I applied to five PhD programs: CUNY, Princeton, Stony Brook, Rutgers and Wisconsin-Madison. I am mexican, currently studying a MA at the University of Salamanca in Spain. Good luck to everyone and let us know your responses!
  9. So happy for you! Please let us know as soon as you get the Houston response, I'm also waiting in Creative Writing.
  10. I've been asking my friends who are studying phds in spanish right now and they didn't went trough the interview process. So I think there is hope. @fairy really, where?!
  11. Hola, aparte de GRADSPN1, ¿alguien ha tenido noticias de Tulane? Sigo esperando y nada
  12. Hello everyone! Sorry for asking again but I'm getting pretty anxious. Has anyone already have a response from Tulane? They said, on the generic mail, the decisions are posted about 4 weeks after de application deadline, it was on January 10. Thanks for your help!
  13. Hola, yo apliqué para el de Creative Writing en español, ¿es ese del que hablas? Es mi opción número uno. Btw, have anyone heard something from Tulane? I was rejected by Cornell earlier this week, very sad but still waiting on Houston and Tulane. Good luck to everyone!
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