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Posts posted by 1badgloop

  1. After 7 rejections and 2 waitlists, I woke up yesterday to an email notifying me that I'd gotten a spot at University of Minnesota. Totally unexpected--I had basically accepted that I would have to reapply, and was fine with doing so, and then all of a sudden I had 12 hours to decide if I'd be moving to Minneapolis in the fall. I said yes, and I couldn't be more thrilled! This whole app process has been a wild journey with lots of emotional ups and downs, but I'm really glad I went for it. Excited to meet the rest of the cohort (and if that's any of you, please hit me up, would love to connect)!

  2. 1 hour ago, mosss said:

    how are y'all holding up? i thought i was doing well, but these last couple of days have been roughhhhhh

    literally all i've been able to think about is if i'm getting off these waitlists (0a/2w/~5r) or not--and i know movement doesn't really start until late march/april, but i just want to know alreadyyyyyy like should i be apartment hunting??? can i make plans for the summer or??? ugughghghhgh

    i can't seem to do anything to get my mind off this (usually i'll do something creative--make little dudes with clay, write, or build a castle in animal crossing or smth but my brain feels like hot soup slipping through my fingers rn and i cannot. stay focused.). i just want to hibernate until april 15 lol

    hope things are going better for y'all than they are for me (and if anyone has any good hibernation tips lmk)

    I'm in a similar situation - on 2 waitlists with no acceptances yet and probably none coming. It's way tougher than I expected. I went into the application process with what I thought was a healthy mindset, and I've tried my best to keep hold of that throughout, but I've still been really rattled.

    Something that's sort of helping is just to remember that setbacks are an inevitable part of the writing process, and that literally all of the writers I admire had to hear "no" many, many times before they ever found success. What I'm experiencing now isn't a temporary detour from the path to literary achievement - it is the path itself. There are no shortcuts or hacks to make it any easier. There's no way to avoid it. If I wasn't getting rejected during this particular application cycle, I'd certainly be getting rejected from something else at some point in the future. The only way to deal with it is just to keep writing. Easier said than done, of course, but it is a bit of comfort to me.

  3. 4 hours ago, Nightmaric said:

    Do people really do this? And does it affect their reputation in the MFA/writing community?

    People definitely do this! There's multiple people both on Draft and on this forum who've transferred programs after a year. I don't see any reason why it would negatively affect someone's reputation, unless they go out of their way to badmouth the school they're leaving or otherwise burn bridges. Sometimes you go someplace and it just isn't the right fit.

  4. Has anyone heard anything from UC Irvine? I've heard that they swear admitted students to secrecy online but idk how accurate that is. There was a post in Draft yesterday that made it seem like they've started notifying admits but it got mysteriously deleted after like an hour.

  5. 53 minutes ago, TitiMePregunto said:

    Thank you! Yeah, I'm hoping to hear back from So Cal programs, or else I'm moving very far away (x

    Same here! Right now it looks like I might end up in either Minneapolis or Miami, depending on how things shake out. I'd be more than happy with either, but it would be nice to be closer to home

  6. 15 hours ago, TitiMePregunto said:

    Has anyone heard back for Fiction at:

    • Syracuse
    • Iowa
    • Michener
    • Michigan
    • UC Irvine
    • UC Riverside

    Michigan rejections are going out now (got mine this morning). Iowa may still be calling people?

    Someone posted about being accepted to Irvine in this forum weeks ago, but that was for poetry. I don't think anyone has heard back for fiction yet.

  7. 1 hour ago, issys134 said:

    Offered admission to UCI !!!!!! A slay and more for sure. Hoping everyone is hanging in there!


    Out of curiosity, was it for poetry or fiction? I'm a fiction applicant waiting to hear back from UCI (among other schools) and I'm trying not to lose hope about it yet ?

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