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  1. Be sure to check out the Iranian studies ma at the Free university of Berlin . great people working there, plus education is free and living cost relatively affordable in berlin i did part of it before and really enjoyed it
  2. I've just got an interview invitation from Yale, good luck to everyone! My friend who applied to Columbia hasn't heard anything, btw.
  3. sorry mate! Good luck
  4. For the Classics (philology) PhD programs, so far I have got admissions from UChicago and UMich, and a rejection from Cornell (no interview). I am having interviews in the coming days with Princeton, Harvard, and UC Berkeley, but haven't heard anything from Yale yet. Good luck everyone!
  5. I applied for the track(s) in classical philology (and medieval latin), and have got an interview scheduled. I don't know about the others, though.
  6. I applied for classical philology and got an interview. But a friend of mine who has applied for ahma hasn't, so I would guess that they'd do interviews for different programs at different times (?)
  7. It seems like UChicago (4 admitted, from what I understand) and UMich have sent out at least a round of admissions. I am scheduled for interviews with Princeton and UC Berkeley next week. Does anyone have any program-specific advice? Good luck everyone!
  8. Princeton at least has sent out some of the interviews (source: to me and two of my friends). I don't know about Stanford or UCLA tho, good luck!
  9. I also applied for lang/lit at UMich!
  10. I just PM'ed you. (I don't want to post other people's names in public).
  11. Classics
  12. Update: I've scheduled/had interviews with UMich and UChicago so far. Any comrades?
  13. Hallo! The application ddl on 6.1. is the university-wide deadline (I think) for international students' funding, but the university, from what I understand, takes students both before and after that deadline. For my particular course (comparative philology): https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/mphil-linguistics-philology-phonetics, there are two ddl, one on 11.11., one on 6.1. The first round of applicants are accepted before the beginning of the second round. Good luck!
  14. Halo! Another (parttime) NELC person here. From my understanding, not many American unis have an active Hittitological (however the word is spelt) department outside of UChicago. Have you considered applying to German/French schools? Places like FU Berlin, Marburg, Würzburg, or LMU Munich all have great Hethitologen as well as an active Altorientalistik department. Plus they, at least from my understanding, actually have funding for graduate students. If you know German, that would be great; but I do know people who work in Altorientalistik in Germany who have basically no German at all... (Leiden and Oxford, of course, are both great places for both Hittitology and Assyriology.)
  15. I have applied to quite a few programs, incl PhDs at Cornell, Harvard, Penn, Yale, UChicago, Princeton, UMich, UCBerkeley, as well as a MPhil at Oxford (for comparative linguitics). I have only heard back from Oxford so far (acceptance), but I am waiting for further updates from the American schools, so I could make a more informed decision. The US funded options are financially sensible as far as compared to unfunded American ones, but a program in France or Germany would still be way cheaper. Especially because as an international student in the US on a F1 visa, I can only work for 20 hours per week, on campus. But in the EU I could work basically however much and whereever I'd like to. Good luck for everyone applying this season!
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