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Everything posted by PolGrad

  1. Hello everyone, I hope you are fine 🙂 Do you think Northwestern will send some offer invited from its waitlist or should we assume rejection?
  2. Hello everyone, I wish you all a nice week. Do you know, does Syracuse University already send its offer results? Couldn't see any posts on Syracuse University; that's why should I assume rejection?
  3. Congratulations
  4. @Isolate I checked from previous years' posts and unfortunately Georgetown tends to send waitlist results or rejection results lately; some waitlist results also came in March based on the previous years' posts.
  5. I could see only one acceptance post for Georgetown University and it was posted yesterday.
  6. I had sent email to Georgetown and they replied to my email by stating that from Georgetown they would be able notify both successful and unsuccessful applicants until next week or two.
  7. Yes, I also received similar email from and I wanted my application to be reviewed for Master program but I would like to ask whether the Master programs like Columbia might offer tuition funding? Or shouldn't I assume any funding opportunity from them? I don't detailed knowledge about MA programs in the US and their funding; that's why would be glad if someone can guide me. Also @Obscurepun asking for curiosity, which PhD program would you choose among the top phd programs?
  8. Anyone who applied for Columbia Phd program (also Master program as 2nd choice) and could receive email from the Department today?
  9. Seems that there was a technical problem and all of the result posts shared today all gone.
  10. I am happy for not hearing anything from Columbia; hope that they would put us for the waitlist.
  11. My congratulations for you, too As far as I remember, you also receied admission from Columbia and Berkeley, right? I wish I were in your place; this application cycle was really successful for you
  12. I wish you all the best for your academic career and don't worry. As an applicant from Turkey like you, what I learned from this application cycle is that unfortunately compared to the applicants from the US or some countries; we do not have the same level of chance for getting admission from the PhD programs in the US; regardless of our grades, well-prepared SOP documents etc.
  13. I would like to congratulate you; you have been having really successful application cycle; you received admission offer from almost every top Political Science PhD Programs
  14. I am an International Applicant from abroad; do you know how frequently does Columbia Department of Political Science offer tuition funding if an applicant was offered admission?
  15. Same for me; I still haven't heard anything from Columbia and I regularly check my emails and my portal. I also wanted my application to be evaluated for my 2nd choice; I thought that this might be the reason but I am not sure.
  16. I didn't know that Yale Political Science Department conducts interviews with PhD applicants.
  17. Interesting. But during the Application period; didn't the Department send you a link or an email for setting up an applicant account?
  18. You were lucky that your professors in the US helped you during the application process; sometimes they may not so reluctant to help for the applicants who returned to academia.
  19. Yes, I understand I had the chance to come to the US for master but it coincided with the pandemic in 2020. That's why my family was really worried and I couldn't go. At which university did you have the chance to get your MA degree?
  20. Also my question for you Just asking for curiosity, wasn't it difficult to return to academia after working in another sector; especially taking the competitiveness of the PhD applications into account? From which professors could you request LORs; for instance or were your Letter writers from non-academic sectors?
  21. Just asking for curiosity, wasn't it difficult to return to academia after working in another sector; especially taking the competitiveness of the PhD applications into account? From which professors could you request LORs; for instance or were your Letter writers from non-academic sectors?
  22. I applied for CP track but didnt get email from the DGS. I still continue to hope for at least waitlist decision. I am an International applicant.
  23. I have emailed to Cornell University Department of Government and they replied that the Department has started to make the decisions and will continue in the next couple of weeks. Based on the posts from last year; they sent acceptance offer on another day and sent waitlist results one week later. Hope that we can get at least waitlist results. For this year, their quota is around 11-12 applicants.
  24. I couldn't see any acceptance posts shared at Gradcafe. Do you think the Department already sent its acceptance offers? I checked the portal but there is no change.
  25. At least you received some news from Georgetown University I couldn't even see any acceptance posts from Georgetown.
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