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  1. Also on the waitlist boat…I am just praying that people who got into Brown & Duke get into their top choice programs 💗 and make space for some of us waitlisters 🍀
  2. You are definitely in the right place. I am sure many of us, myself included, are uniquely positioned to understand high-achieving academic anxiety. First, this is a random unsolicited book recommendation but I would suggest reading “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. I have been reading his series of books to help sooth my waiting for responses anxiety and it has helped me cope. Secondly, if it will calm your anxiety, how do you feel about contacting either the departments graduate admissions coordinator or one of your interviewees to ask about a timeline for responses? I know for me, just knowing that I’ll hear back within certain dates helps me to delay the anxiety till those days loom. As aspiring academics and PhD students, we have tons of anxiety provoking situations coming our way. Of course, our time before the program would be greatly spent practicing and learning some healthy coping mechanisms. The wait is grueling and I know practicing patience is such a struggle! Be gentle with yourself.
  3. Thank you for all the advice! Do you mind sharing the timeline of when to expect to hear back? Thank you
  4. Thanks for offering your advice. I also have some specific questions! What type of questions were you asked? How do you suggest preparing? Anything you wish you knew going into it? Did they say anything about the process after the interview? How formal did it feel?
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