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  1. Has anyone received an acceptance/rejection from Princeton? They have started sending out rejection emails.
  2. There were interviews for the sub-field of Islam. I am not sure about other sub-fields in Religion.
  3. Update from Princeton: Heard from the graduate program administrator that applicants will receive a decision by the end of the month.
  4. Has Princeton sent out acceptances and rejections? I applied to the Islam sub-field. I had my interview three weeks ago, but is yet to hear back from them.
  5. Has Princeton sent out acceptances and rejections? I applied to the Islam sub-field. I had my interview three weeks ago, but is yet to hear back from them.
  6. I received a rejection from Chicago NELC. Best of luck with the other apps.
  7. Hello. I have applied to Yale's PhD program in Religion, but have not heard back from them yet.
  8. Hello. Has anyone heard back from Yale Religion?
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