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Everything posted by drpsych

  1. er actually, just e-mailed and got a quick response saying that notifications have not been made and may possibly be made around march 19th (uncertain, but for sure not before then)
  2. out of curiosity, anyone hear from javits?
  3. The e-mails have been sent so it's too late to back out now! Berkeley!
  4. Thanks!! I feel so nervous doing it that I keep putting it off! What if I'm making a bad decision?! :\ I think I'll keep the e-mail short and sweet though (whenever it is that I decide to finally hit that send button haha)..
  5. Is there something that should be said when you accept an offer? I am very close to accepting an offer but didn't know what things to say.. I've only had to write to say no to places which is hard enough! I would do a search on this topic (it's probably been touched on before), but search hasn't been working very well for me on this site...
  6. drpsych

    Berkeley, CA

    I'm thinking I might go to Berkeley this Fall and move-in about August (maybe end of July).. anyone interested in roommates?! I'm looking for a cheap place and nice roommates would be good Send me a message if you're interested..
  7. It could, but it could also be that a person choosing to go to a school in the Midwest also wants jobs in the Midwest afterward, so it might not really mean that it limits your job prospects after you leave. I think you should definitely ask about connections and such if that is your plan. Sometimes if you choose to get a PhD at a place where you'd like to end up (and want to stay in academia), it could actually limit your options in staying there afterward since schools tend not to take their own. Also, job prospects depend on so many factors-- including if there are jobs in your field in the locations you're looking at, so it's tough to say that location of which school you go to will influence that, if that makes sense?
  8. I agree on what's been said already about the difference in teaching/students, but it's also the content. One is straight up psych and basic science stuff, whereas marketing (or in my case, management/organizational behavior) would be based on social psych, but is also geared towards applied business stuff. So again, depends on what you want?
  9. Itchy, I PMed you, and also, I don't know about cognitive at all so I don't know what's going on for that department.. sorry!
  10. Poofypoof, I think they sent out 3 offers in the Personality area..
  11. Did you have an interview? I think I heard of a couple people getting some there..
  12. I applied to both social psych and organizational behavior/management types of programs. I didn't apply to both in the same school, though I have heard of people doing that as well. I think they are really related so I don't think people look down on you applying to both types of programs (and if it applies, you could want to look into I/O psychology programs, although that might be more related to my situation than yours?). Here's what I can think of that compares the two types: * The research is very similar at both, but there is a difference between who you teach: undergrads/graduate students v. MBA types of students (and maybe also sometimes undergrad business students?). * Funding is a lot better generally at the business schools, and when you come out of the program, you're likely to become a business school prof (and therefore make more money), and it's true that sometimes psych phds go and work at business schools, but I don't think I have ever heard of business phds working in psych departments (though maybe there's no reason to for them because the money is better where they are). * Classes - you will obviously be taking more business classes at a business program, though it is likely you'll be taking a lot of psych as well (but how much depends on the program I think). You could take business classes in a psych program if the school has one, but that would be more on your own accord. Hope that helps (sorry if I repeated a bunch of what's already been said!)
  13. I haven't officially made a decision, but I just unofficially decided (in my head lol), and I don't think I'm going to switch this time. Yay!!!
  14. drpsych

    Javits 09-10

    Aww man, I haven't heard from them (though if they're continuing tomorrow and maybe Monday, maybe I still have a chance??)
  15. I don't know what the actual requirements are (and they may vary by program a bit as well), but I just wore business casual. So nice shirt /pants or skirt/shoes. I didn't opt for a jacket, but then again, I never buy my business stuff as a set (bad habit, but I'm cheap!), and so I didn't have things that matched perfectly. It seemed sufficient for all the ones I've been to so far.
  16. I dunno about human development but for social psych, Berkeley and Princeton have had their prospectives weekends and NYU and Columbia will be this upcoming weekend.. however, you got into your first choice, so congrats!!
  17. drpsych

    Javits 09-10

    Does Javits notify you whether you got a fellowship or not before the whole April 15th stuff goes down??
  18. Hahhah! I did! I swear!
  19. Does anyone know if all the UChicago GSB offers gone out already?
  20. Hmm this has probably already been resolved, but I had the same problem and this is how I dealt with it. Luckily, I heard back from the school I liked more first, so for the second school, I just called them back (they called, but if they e-mailed or something, you could just e-mail back), and politely stated that I was still very enthusiastic about the program but had already agreed to an interview the same weekend, and asked if it was possible to go on an alternate weekend. My POI was generally understanding and eventually they worked it out for me to visit another day (although I will be the only one going that day).
  21. Ooo! I have a poster in session F (Sat. lunch time) as well, so yes, please PM me if you'd like to stop by
  22. I forget if anyone already posted this, but speaking of conferences, anyone going to SPSP?
  23. drpsych

    Prof. Salary

    You went to New Trier?! I went to Stevenson! P.S. I haven't read the entire thread, but that area, high school teachers make more than the usual high school teacher does (even public), so I don't know that you should be citing that as the prototypical high school teacher salary.
  24. Hahah, sorry socialpsych, it wasn't me! I still have to interview :\ I haven't heard from that program we spoke about, but I think there's a very good chance I won't be going there!
  25. Hopefully I will be reading papers by potential advisors soon to prep for interviews, but in the meantime, I'm reading "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert and it is AMAZING so far. Funny, depressing, inspiring, very readable. As for Twilight, I tried to start reading it to see what the hype was about, but I haaaaaaate the writing style and so I stopped. And yes, I agree, I sometimes do read (and usually enjoy) "tween-y" books, but I couldn't stand that one. :\
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