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  1. 2 questions: 1) How long does it usually take to get an offer letter after hearing about your acceptance from a school? I got into Stony Brook about 10 days ago, and I still haven't heard anything from them. I'm getting a little antsy waiting to hear about funding, as that will pretty much make or break whether or not I consider going there. Is it weird/bad to email them and ask what's up? 2) I asked on the draft, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask here as well. What are some non-obvious questions to ask professors/current students during a campus visit? I'm visiting my first choice, and I already know a lot about the logistics of the program (funding, health insurance, teaching load, etc), but I'm nervous there are aspects to grad school life I don't know about yet since I haven't experienced it.
  2. I need Brown decisions to come out so I can stop obsessively checking my email and finish this application season 😩. Even with a few acceptances, it's so hard not to have all the info. I just want to make a decision and start planning!! Along those lines -- we're all pretty much agreed that it's over for Iowa and Hunter, right?
  3. someone posted about a fiction acceptance to draft around the time the waitlist announcements went up ?
  4. Thanks for writing this! it made me feel a lot better. I'm going to try to follow this advice. Was hoping I'd be able to get a long break from wonderful worlds of premiere pro and avid this fall but it's seeming less and less likely... lol
  5. Longtime lurker/first-time poster. Congrats to everyone who has been waitlisted or accepted!! It's so exciting to see everyone's good news. Just wondering if anyone has any advice on how to deal w this stressful time. Are you guys trying to stay off the forums/draft? I haven't heard anything back yet (although I assume it is a no from JH and UO since acceptances and waitlist notifications have come out), and I'm SO STRESSED. I just want to hear something, even if it's a rejection. I'm usually such a calm person. I'm coming from years of submitting my stories to magazines and working in the film industry, so I'm used to rejection. But for some reason, this side of the application process is really causing me to flip.
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