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Posts posted by cquin

  1. Thanks for the replies, everyone! I'm happy to report that my verbal score improved a fair amount (went from roughly 86th percentile to 94th percentile) and my math score stayed just about the same (not really concerned about that since I'm in the humanities ;)). Now to wait for the dreaded writing score...eek.

  2. Tomorrow I will take the GRE for the second time and I'm in full-blown panic mode. I'm convinced that I will actually score lower this time than I did during my first attempt. Is it true that schools will always look at and consider the higher of the two scores? Will it reflect poorly on me if my second set of scores is worse than my first set?

  3. Signature page? "Andrea" from the grad. department contacted me nearly 2 weeks ago to let me know my application was complete, yet I sent no signature page. Is it possible that the electronic signature page is sufficient when submitting on line?

    Do you remember that page that appeared AFTER you hit submit? It said "Print this out and mail it with your supplemental documents, blah blah blah." It asked for the date, your signature, and your program. Yeah, that's the signature page. I really, really don't think it's important, though.

    ...Then again, who the hell knows with CUNY?

  4. I mailed my CUNY-Graduate Center documents - writing sample, CV, transcripts - certified US Mail in plenty of time to reach NY by the deadline.

    I submitted the application three days before the deadline, only to find out that they require you to print out and mail the Signature page, as well. Yet another frustrating aspect of the CUNY experience to go along with the whole 'we don't send reference requests until you submit' thing.

    $20 later, next day delivery with signature required. CUNY lost a check that my sister sent last year; though I highly doubt that they are super strict on deadlines, I'm not taking any chances.

    I too forgot that stupid signature page, so I asked someone in the admissions office if I *had* to drop it off and she told me I could "fax it, or e-mail it, or drop it off, or mail it, or whatever" (exact words). But I'm sorry about your experience :unsure:

  5. Bdon, I don't mean to usurp your thread, but have you received your RUID yet? (I pronounce that as "RUDE" in my head and it makes me laugh.) What if we don't receive it by tonight's deadline? Does that mean we are allowed to uploaded our supporting documents after the 15th? But then wouldn't it be considered late? Argh, so confused and worried.

  6. Who knows what they're really looking for in these things! But as you'll be teaching undergrad, it might be wise not to place too much emphasis on the details of this experience. Perhaps talk about it more as an opportunity to try out the various pedagogical methods that you found helpful when you were a student. In doing so, you were able to learn x, y, and z about teaching and classroom efficiency. So I'd mention it, but use it as a way to foreground experience that might be more beneficial to UGs: "Teaching English at a variety of high school levels taught me the value of classroom adaptability, and the necessity of anticipating various different styles of learning. As a TA in program x I hope to bring this same kind of flexibility, recognizing that student needs vary greatly etc."

    Thank you for this, it's acting as a nice springboard! I'm only on app #4 but already I want to cut the bullshit and write "PLEEEASE JUST ACCEPT ME INTO YOUR PROGRAM!!!"

  7. I just submitted my application for Rutgers, only because it is dumb and won't let me send out my letter requests until I finish. I'm a bit peeved, though, that now I have to wait 24 to 72 hours or whatever it is to get my "RUID" so I can upload my other stuff. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

    Also, my mom has already planned out exactly where I'm going to live for half the schools I'm applying to. She's convinced that New Brunswick is unsafe (she printed out an article from the NYT from 2004 called "How Unsafe Is Rutgers, Really?"), so she's been looking for places in nearby towns. This will be a long few months for all of us, won't it?

    OH MY GOD, I FORGOT ABOUT THAT STUPID 24-72 HOUR WAITING PERIOD. Guess who's staying up all night? ;)

    My mom tried to dissuade me from applying to a few schools because they're in "boring" cities-- "Lincoln, Nebraska?! No, that's crazy, you can't live there."

  8. My grievance right now is that I cannot motivate myself to work on my SOP for Rutgers--which is due tomorrow. Instead, I've spent the past hour looking at apartment complexes in all of my potential new home cities. Does anyone else do this? Even when I'm not directly working towards grad school, I'm fantasizing about grad school.

  9. On that note, I'm also struggling with UNL's requirement for a teaching statement. I had zero experience teaching as an undergrad, but during my year off, I've been working as a substitute teacher for English classes at all grade levels (literally, all grade levels; one day I had kindergarten, the next, 12th grade). But is this the sort of teaching experience they're looking for? 12th grade English classes bear some similarities to Freshmen Comp classes, certainly, but I wonder how I should phrase it in my statement.

    Thoughts, anyone? :unsure:

  10. I'm irritated because I found out last night that Kansas will not let you send out the request for LORs until you submit the application, which is due December 31st, and I fear that if I do not send the request before the end of the semester, my LORs will not remember to send it out by the end of the month.

    Yes, this. My biggest issues so far have been with my LOR writers. One of them is having knee surgery on the 17th so she wants to receive all LOR requests by the 16th. Cool, no problem, except about half of my schools require that you submit the application first before the requests for LOR go out. So now I'm scrambling to contact every school and ask if my professor can send her letter directly to the department via e-mail. I'm going to develop trichotillomania before this application season is over.

  11. Mine tells me that they submitted when I log in. I also received an e-mail notification when each of my letters was received (one like a half hour before the deadline). Does it not say that any of them have submitted? :/

    WHEW, okay. Yes, my status just changed. Either my profs were all late in submitting their letters, or Duke's email was delayed. Either way, it's okay now.

  12. I am right here right now. 2 hours until Duke's app is due, and my writing sample is falling apart. I thought I only had to write two more random connecting paragraphs, but I can't come up with a title, which is signifying to me that I don't really have a thesis. l;kja;lksjd;lkfja;lksj;dlkfj;lakjs;kjd;fja;lskjdf;lkjas;dlkjf;alkjsdf

    Yes. This. Mere hours ago I thought my SOP was THE shit. Now it's just shit.

  13. And wait! ANOTHER stupid question! I googled the shit out of this and could not find a satisfactory answer: how does one format class titles in the SOP? Italics? Quotation marks? Capitalize the first letter?

    Right now I am unhealthily obsessed with editing my SOP for Duke. Four more hours until the deadline! I need to just submit and let it go...but...I can't.

  14. Thanks for the info! In my case, there is a professor whose work is pertinent to mine, but she is listed on the school's website as a Professor Emeritus. I assumed at first that immediately disqualified her from being at all active in the university, but then I thought, "But she *is* mentioned on the website...if she was completely retired and did not participate in the department at all, why would they even bother mentioning her on the faculty page?" Ah, well. Thanks again.

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