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Everything posted by coy.ote

  1. This is the thread for art history! There's a physics forum where you can ask instead https://forum.thegradcafe.com/forum/30-physics-forum/
  2. I've personally gotten the impression that Tulane is very reputable, especially in terms of Latin American art history. My professors recommended the program to me when I told them I wanted to specialize in contemporary Latin American. On the program's FAQ they claim to not keep stats on where their students go, but say they've had graduates get into PhD programs at Princeton, UCLA, UC Berkley, Yale, UT Austin, etc.--in reputation those are comparable to what UMass Amherst lists, and that's a program I've heard many people say is great for PhD preparation. I haven't spoken to any current Tulane students or alumni though, so that's all the info I have!
  3. For their PhD or MA program? I applied to the MA!
  4. Wow, interviews already Half of my deadlines haven't even passed yet so I'm not expecting to hear back until the usual March/April, but I sure hope the process goes quick this year Doing both STEM and art history is super impressive! Taking that into context, your GPA shouldn't have a huge impact on your application (IMO). Fingers crossed for you!
  5. Wow, that program looks great, thank you for mentioning it!
  6. Most graduate programs don't put a massive emphasis on grades, so I've been assuming at Williams it's similar to other programs--your SOP, LORs, writing sample, and experience being the most important. I do also wonder if, because of the program's focus on museum work, having internship/museum experience gives you more of a leg up than research...? I'm just as in the dark as you are though! Good luck to us both!
  7. Maybe not super helpful but I have heard a background in art history is great for law school because you learn so much about writing and forming convincing arguments, so if you want to go down that route it would probably be viable! Art history gives you a lot of transferable skills, mainly writing, analysis, and defending arguments, so any jobs involving those things would be a good fit. An art history degree doesn't just mean working in museums! Personally though I think you should stick it out before making any big decisions. It's your first semester--adjusting to a new experience is always going to be shocking and scary! You may start feeling better about it once you begin writing your thesis.
  8. I hope things are going well for everyone! I finally have a (mostly) final list of schools: Tufts, FSU, CU Boulder, Williams, Tulane, and UMass Amherst I also have drafts done for my statements and my writing sample, and I have all my recommenders... nothing to do until I get feedback on my materials which is driving me a little crazy!! I keep going back and forth on whether 6 schools is enough but I feel comfortable with my fit at these programs. It's just the worry that I'm not casting my net wide enough and I'll get rejected everywhere I guess. But I'm trying to stay hopeful!! My recommenders have been very encouraging and confident I'll have a lot of options so I'm trying to believe them
  9. Ahh the SOP pain... I think I finally have something good but I agonized over it for a while too! Writeivy's "Structure is Magic" guide helped me a lot for figuring out a structure. Also, once I started thinking of it as more of a cover letter than an undergrad admissions essay, it became clearer what I should focus on. Glad to hear good things about CU Boulder!! It's definitely one of the top programs on my list. Good luck to you too on your SOP!
  10. Not discouraging at all, I really appreciate the insight! I was going back and forth on whether to really apply there or not, and this makes my decision a lot easier. I wish more programs would be open about how much funding they give
  11. Where is everyone applying to? How's the application process going? Thought I'd start a thread since there isn't one yet! I'm interested in contemporary Latin American and Indigenous art, and looking to get an MA for a career in curation/museums. Right now my list includes Williams College, Florida State University, University of Colorado Boulder, Boston University, and Tufts University. I'm still considering whether or not to apply to University of Oregon and University of Illinois Chicago. It's been stressful for me so far as I basically need full funding to attend, and don't have an amazing cumulative GPA, but I'm chugging along regardless!
  12. Thank you for the response! After I posted this I did come across advice that mental health shouldn't be mentioned, so I think I'll just call it health issues like you said and keep it very brief.
  13. Hello all, this is my first post on the forum so apologies if this isn't the right place to ask this! My issue: in my sophomore year I had a mental breakdown and was hospitalized, and I failed every class (3) I was taking that semester. Before that I had a 4.0 GPA and after my grades went back to A's and B+'s. Despite my hard work, I'll likely be applying to grad school with a 3.3 GPA this year. It feels like this one bad semester is haunting me. I'm trying multiple things to compensate for it. My writing sample is a research paper my professor (established in my field) said was graduate-level work. I'm hopefully going to do 1 or 2 internships in the fall. I'm also going to submit some of my other research to undergraduate journals. I plan to address the grades in my SOP and take the GRE. I've essentially spent my summer researching and preparing for grad applications. My anxiety keeps telling me none of that will go right, though. Could I get a reality check? Any advice? For reference, I'm applying to masters programs in art history. I keep freaking out over this and I just want peace of mind.
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