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fizzan last won the day on January 26 2024

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  1. RE why are rejections sent later - waitlists! Programmes like to keep open the possibility of accepting people not originally accepted for after the decisions from original admits come in.
  2. Final rejection (rutgers) came in today - wild it took them so long! Thrilled to say I'll be attending UW - Madison in the fall, wishing you all the best of luck
  3. Anyone heard from Rutgers yet? Amazed they haven’t released anything yet if not
  4. This is a thread for political science admissions hence the confusion haha
  5. I emailed them and they basically said that all the decisions have been made, admissions were sent out a while ago and if you haven’t heard it’s because they grad school hasn’t yet sent out the rejection.
  6. Oh wierd, email? Still nothing here. I’ve accepted elsewhere but the closure would be nice lmao
  7. Yeah I haven't heard anything from Pitt either! They are usually late Feb though I think.
  8. Higher by over a thousand iirc? And def enough for Madison eta: plus summer funding which isn’t mentioned on the website for TAing
  9. On the public/state school funding thing it really depends on the school. UCLA has a history of poor funding, but I just got my UW offer of funding a few days ago and I'm happy! It’s plenty for the area and includes summer funding/annual allowance for conference fees etc. Don’t count state schools out!
  10. Based on previous years I think they've released all the initial acceptances as they've always come in one block post interviews. They've usually released their rejections by now though so don't know what's happening with that, maybe they've decided to do a waitlist this year? ETA: quoted wrong post, sorry!
  11. My partner is in grad school at the moment and their perspective is that there really is a range of ages! Some people straight from undergrad, some who have worked/taken other degrees first. We all have our own timelines
  12. No such thing as too old! I'll be 28.
  13. I find stipends hard to compare to eachother directly - eg a stipend that would be good/generous in Madison WI would be impossible to live on in Boston. I’ve been looking at sites that compare cost of living to get a general idea of how workable they are as well as looking at housing etc!
  14. Like most time this happens - post 2008, during COVID etc - it's bc the economy is bad and people are going back to school
  15. Yeah I hear admissions rates have been extra low across the board! Congrats on Rice, it's a cool programme!!
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