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Everything posted by Tonights

  1. I really agree with this. Someone posted "Career > SO" in another one of the relationship forums here and I was thinking "Wow, what an unhappy fellow you must be." I mean, to each their own, but I've been working a shitty retail job while I waited for my partner to get a job that he could relocate with, and I'd happily do it for several more years and would expect the same from him. And when I get home from my cruddy retail job to my partner and cats and anthropology journals, I'm the happiest person in the whole damn world. I understand entering a temporary long distance relationship, but I'll never understand dumping someone you're otherwise happy with for the sake of your career. The very thought makes me sad.
  2. Normally I don't promote behavior like this, but you should pilfer it while he's sleeping. :twisted:
  3. Haha, my undergrad adviser hasn't even asked how I'm doing. She's a complete hippie and terribly absentminded. It's brilliant she managed to get my letters in.
  4. I know. I'm sitting here with a box of Girl Scout cookies and the mail still hasn't arrived.
  5. Those guys are probably over in the Linguistics forum.
  6. Well, it does say somewhere on there that if you're rejected, they don't update the status until at least 21 days after the decision to give the postal rejection time to reach you first. Which makes absolutely zero sense to me. What is the point of an online status system, in that case? Most of my schools don't have functioning online status systems, which to me is both a blessing and a curse.
  7. Once I made a personal rule that I'm not going to go off any assumptions, I really did feel better. No more extrapolating! I'm only accepted or rejected when I'm accepted or rejected, and not before.
  8. Wow, congrats! Pass some of your good juju on to the rest of us. :wink:
  9. Bah, I'm off from work today, so I have nothing to do but look out the window for the mail truck!
  10. No, that was Ellie. Annie was the one who gave Ben the dolls when they were kids. We met her in "The Man Behind The Curtain." Ben, incidentally, is totally my favorite character.
  11. Yeah, maybe there should be an "I am voting in this poll" tickybox for an accurate count.
  12. Her character was as annoying as endlessly getting asked if I dig up dinosaurs. I'm not sorry she's deceased, and I hope we don't have to put up with too much of her in flashbacks. Unfortunately, I suspect her mother is probably Annie - Ben's childhood love - so we're likely to.
  13. I've been fostering batches of kittens for the local Humane Society. Chasing them around certainly takes up a lot of my excess nervous energy!
  14. Me too. Plus, nobody's had rejections yet from some of my programs, so I wouldn't assume anything based on what we haven't heard.
  15. Wha? As far as I know, some of my adcoms haven't even met yet, let alone thrown out the first round of rejects.
  16. Ooooh, who else is medical? Come out, come out. :wink:
  17. http://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/
  18. No news, although I'm trying not to stress until I definitively hear one way or the other. I don't want to call today being as it's a holiday and I'm not sure the folks in the admin office will be there, but if I don't hear by tomorrow, and the status doesn't change, I may try to work up the courage to investigate.
  19. Ouch! I'm happy you got an acceptance before this bad news.
  20. Those are some really wide-reaching generalizations you're making. The emphasis placed on the GRE really varies by field, school, degree and program. Stating that "it won't override other awesome things, etc" is really misleading considering that fact that we've had posts about the algorithms some schools use to weed out unacceptable applicants before the qualitative parts of their applications are even considered, and they certainly include GRE numbers in there. Sure, your field and your program might not have placed too much emphasis on it, but plenty of programs DO. Especially doctoral programs, and especially fields where math skills or verbal skills are strongly prized.
  21. Welcome, this-sucks. It seems from the results search that over the last several years they have left notification until mid to late March, and perhaps a tad earlier if you're physical. Looks like you still have awhile to wait.
  22. Believe me, I know, but when the alternative is to descend into madness, it's best to just keep on hoping no matter what.
  23. At some schools they won't take you out of the running.
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