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    20th c. American Poetry
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  1. I would also note that I tried to turn them down via email, was told I had to mail in my non-acceptance of their non-acceptance, and then realized that they did not provide return postage! So basically, "Thank you for your application fee. We have, in turn, accepted you to our cash cow of a consolation program. Oh yeah, and could you give us a couple quarters?"
  2. I think this (in addition to all of the other helpful bits and pieces on this thread) has helped me decide, so thanks!
  3. I too am a little terrified of the expected teaching load at CUNY. I was accepted to the English department with an EC fellowship, which involves a 2/2 teaching load for three years. I would love to get an idea of how many students would be in a section, if this ranges depending on whether you're teaching comp or a seminar, and how much work it is to do so on top of everything else. I know some of these questions have already been answered, but if you have a different experience (or even the same experience) I would love to hear about it.
  4. I'm going to Thailand for a month with my roomate(s). I've been planning to go for a year and a half now and saving up money, so I'm pretty excited.
  5. Every school where I've applied has notified their accepted students, but there are 6 that from which I personally haven't heard squat. I assume these are rejections and am ready to move on with my life, but I would really like to know for sure. So my questions are: When it is acceptable to email a DGS and ask about the decision? Is it better to call? And if it's better to email, how should I word my request? Thanks!
  6. Is this CUNY's normal procedure? My understanding was that the annual cohort tends to be closer to 20 than 40.
  7. Anyone want to claim the admit?
  8. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to take away hope! Best of luck and keep us posted on how it goes.
  9. To the person who just posted on the results board: did you call and someone told you? Or are you a student at Yale currently? Basically, how do you know?
  10. To be honest--and I don't mean to be a buzz-kill--that sounds like an unofficial wait list. So if a couple people in your field decide not to go, they'll probably give you the spot (hence the rolling nature of future decisions). Did he give you any idea of when the latest possible time you would hear might be? Because if it's not late March/ early April, then I'm probably wrong.
  11. I just got waitlisted. Apparently the list is pretty short -- 11 people -- and they've accepted 28 people for 15 spots. Also, (and I know this is tacky but...) can anyone who got accepted tell me what the funding package looks like?
  12. Mwah mwah mwaaaaah (that is the sound of me losing all hope). Oh well; thanks for the info.
  13. Thanks for the quick reply and congratulations! Do you happen to have any info on how many acceptances, if they're notifying everyone today, etc.?
  14. Phone acceptance. Anyone want to claim it?
  15. Whoops- guess I'm wrong. I have the day off from work on Monday, but I'm definitely glad to hear, in this specific instance, that most/all schools don't. Here's hoping some beneficent Rutgers person puts me out of my misery as early as Monday.
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