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Posts posted by NadaJ

  1. Upon joining this site, I was a bit surprised with the tendency here to make "checklist" signatures with lists of schools applied, acceptances, rejections. Some have upward of a dozen schools listed! If nothing else, I made my search very focused because I didn't want to spend $700-900 in app fees!

    I was surprised as well. I really researched which school/program/faculty would be the best fit for me and my research interests. I just don't see applying to several schools and trying to re-make myself with every application. This may be field specific though; I am interested in social welfare and social policy, and the top schools in this area all have different focuses. I poured all of my resources into the one school that I want to change my whole life for; I can't see doing that for second or third best, or just any PhD program.

    ETA: I applied to one school and my app fee was waived, so I feel extra lucky in that regard!

  2. This time around, I have my husband with me. He is already researching where to start job searches in all the places to which I've applied so that he can send in resumes as soon as I get an acceptance.

    My husband has as well. We've even looked at preschools for our daughter. It helps that my family is in the same city as the program I've applied to, but, we have to figure out what to do with our house. We bought it almost three years ago, and the value has depreciated so much...but that's another thread. I am excited to live in a real city again, if not in 2011, than 2012.

  3. <br />LOL Even better! It would go something like this....<br /><br />-The answer to the question everyone wants to know. Sputnik, what's your decision?-<br />&quot;Um, this fall, man this is very tough. Um and this fall I'm going to take my talents to....and I'm joining the University of....&quot; <br />-That was the conclusion you woke up with this morning?<br />&quot;That was the conclusion I woke up with this morning.&quot;<br /><br />-Why?<br />&quot;Um, Like I said before, um I feel like it's going to give me the best opportunity to Study. And to Study for multiple years. And not only just to Study in the regular semester or to win 5 grants in a row, or 3 grants in a row. I want to be able to win Fellowships. And I feel like I can compete down there.&quot;<br />-Was it always in your plan to study with Prof. X and Prof Y?<br />&quot;You know, I'm looking forward to it. To say it was always in my plans? I can't say it was always in my plans 'cuz I never thought it was possible. But the things that the .... University has done to free up the funding to be able to put theyself in a position this summer to have all 3 of us, um, you know, it was hard to turn down. I mean, you know those are two great professors. Two of the greatest professors we have in the field today.And um, you know uh, you add me and we're going to be a really great team.&quot;<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

    That was awesome! You just need a part about thanking G-d, your familiy, and your middle school homeroom teacher.

  4. This is exactly the kind of note I thought we were talking about sending. I would definitely not send another e-mail with the intention of starting up another conversation. Just a quick thanks and letting them know you did apply...

    I think you're missing the point--do not contact them after you have submitted your application. But it seems like you really want to and you probably will anyway.

  5. I disagree with Miliania; the OP and her SO are not getting the same thing--he is working (albeit halfheartedly) towards a piece of paper, she is working her butt off for the sake of knowledge, experience, and learning, along with the piece of paper. They may be in the same program, but they are not getting the same thing. OP, it sounds like you have found your passion and you are working hard towards your goal, and your SO has not. He may be jealous that you've found your passion and he has not. I don't have any advice, but to maybe down play your accomplishments (for the time being) and/or helping him discover what he is passionate about. Grad school is not the end all. GL!

  6. I almost applied to UC-Berkeley for their SW PhD program. The program seems amazing, and with nationally and internationally recognized faculty (despite the small size). GL to you guys!

    I have looked over my application pdf several times, and I just noticed I left the "University faculty you have been in contact with" question blank! Oiy vey...I have absolutely been in contact with faculty! I've flown, taken the bus and the train back and forth several times! Ugh. I emailed the admissions director to see I can add this information after the deadline. Thankfully I mentioned who I wanted to work with in my SOP, but still.

    I keep looking at the results page for past acceptances and ejections to discern a pattern.

  7. I will be 26, though my birthday's in December, so 27, really.

    Speaking anecdotally, it seems as though American students finish undergrad in four years far more often than in Canada - most of the people I knew in undergrad took five, six, or more years to finish. In my MA cohort and the one the year after, I don't think there was anyone who was 21 or 22, though I didn't know everyone that well. I'm guessing this is partly because of the comparative tuition rates - it's a lot more feasible to take a whole bunch of unrelated courses just out of interest. That's what I did; by the time I graduated I had a whole lot more credits than I needed because I took courses in, off the top of my head, film studies, anthropology, physics, math, english, history, geology, criminology, philosophy, and of course, political science. I'm probably forgetting some. Similar experiences?

    Hmm...I know several people that took longer than 4 years to finish, but then again, I know several others that finished in 3-4 years as well. But, I also wonder if this site just inherently attracts more of the 3-4 year UGs than those that take longer?

  8. I'll try to shed some light...I work in a department where many of the TT faculty earned their PhDs later in life. I think maybe 5 out of 16 faculty went straight from UG to MA to PhD. This is what gave me the courage to even think of applying for a PhD program. I am 30, and if I get accepted to the one PhD program I applied (because I am not moving my family and leaving my house for anything other than the program I want to go to) I will definitely aim for a TT position as well. I think the dept chair earned her PhD when she was in her 40s, and she's now maybe 60.

    As far as real world experience, I think this is field specific. And in regards to teaching, you will have that opportunity in your graduate program, so you'll have teaching experience when you go on the market.

    My "non traditional" graduate student questions all revolve around when and IF I can have another baby. I really want my daughter to have a sibling, and maybe I can pull it off once I've completed the dissertation proposal, but the large family I thought I would have may be some hybrid of my one human child, 3 cats, and maybe a dog. As an only child, this is not what I envisioned. BUT, maybe this route, I can instill in her that she absolutely can do anything she sets her mind towards.

  9. It's so quiet around here..how is everyone with their applications? Are you submitted and just waiting now?

    I applied by the 12/15 deadline, and now I have a long wait ahead. I am finishing an M.Ed and I applied to an MSW/PhD program for Fall 2011. Some days I feel great about my application, other days not so much. I took 2 SW classes this past term that I really enjoyed and did well in (still waiting for grades).

    How is everyone else??

  10. I'm reading The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and The Bottom Billion by Paul Collier.

    And when I'm really depressed, I re-read the Twilight series. I am 30, married, own a home, and have a 2 YO and I love these books. I have all four movies on my ipad as well. It's an addiction, I know.

  11. I don't necessarily get rude responses. It's either amazement because a PhD is an elusive degree--not many people even attempt it let alone finish; or they think i'm high falutin'. I wonder if those that attempt law or medical degrees get that type of response as well. Its something about the PhD degree that people seem to have adverse reactions towards.

  12. ITA with Viking. As an administrator at a University we know students can pick other (better) offers. You can ask the uni in Australila for an extension, or you can tell them that you are considerig other options with better funding and if they could consider giving you more. Otherwise, you can accept, and later if you need to decline, they can offer the funding to someone else on their waitist or another incoming student. This has happended in my department at least once a year and I've worked here for about 4 years. The best thing that you can do ifnyou must decline, is to do so early. And I have never known of a prof to black list a prospecive student because of better funding. They threaten to move around based on funding all.the.time.

  13. Add to that, I overheard a fellow PhD applicant blithely say, "Well if I don't get into the schools I want, I'll just get my PhD online at University of Phoenix."

    Many people think that a Phoenix-PhD is the same as a top-10-brick-and-mortar-PhD.

    I hope this person is being facetious.

    My problem at the moment, is that Fall 2010 grades aren't due until 1/4, and I just wish my profs would post the grades so I can send an updated transcript. The suspense is killing me. I check for new grades every hour.

  14. I think it depends on your field. I'm not quite sure what security studies are, but school is also more than the institution itself--while AU is a good school, the DC area has so much to offer, especially in terms of networking, internships, etc.

    But--I think you should stay in Florida. If you really wanted to attend AU and live in DC, no one could say anything to change your mind.

  15. I am not older (just 26, not in my forties with a house and child),

    Agh...this post made me feel old! Lol....I turned 30 in October, so I don't feel old, despite the house, kid, job lifestyle I have going on. And the other persons post about college (sorry, I cant see other posts while responding via the mobile site) reminded me that I only applied to one college. Granted it was early admission, so if they rejected me I had time to apply to other schools, but they didn't and thats how I wound up in Minnesota. Maybe I'm just a one-app kinda student?

  16. Bump....

    Are there any new one-schoolers out there this season?

    I thought about applying to a couple of schools, but I really found the place where I think I belong, and I can't see uprooting my husband, my 2.5 year old and selling our house for second best. If I don't get in this year, I'll try again next year. I'm actually pretty comfortable with this decision, much more than I thought I would be.

  17. Hi everyone, I wish I had found this board earlier. I have applied to the MA/PhD program at the University of Chicago. This was the only program in which I applied because of my specific interests. I am finishing my M.Ed, so I have a different experience than most applying for a social work doctorate. Only really interested in research and teaching. The deadline was just his past Wednesday, so Im hoping to get a response in mid February. Maybe?!? My GRE scores were okay, undergrad GPA, again ok, graduate school GPA rocks, and I have one publication. I'm hoping my SOA and my publication are my saving grace. Oh and of course fit.

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