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Posts posted by ec86

  1. I guess in the States, it's a so-called "en-route" degree. Do you know if receiving an MPhil while pursuing a PhD is advantageous in any way, shape or form when one already has a master's degree?

  2. I think the medical and basic science PhDs at Yale receive 28-29k/year fellowships. From the results posts, the humanities and arts consistently get a few grand lower per year. The PhD Economics people get 35k a year!!!

    Speaking of holding external fellowships, will we be allowed to hold a significant (say, >20k/year) external fellowship while also holding the university fellowship, tuition remission, etc.?

  3. These hand-written thank you notes are so embarrassing: I just finished writing a note to one of my recommenders to thank them now that the whole ordeal is over (thus far I've only sent thank you e-mails), and she is going to have to see that I am incapable of writing cursive and I print letters like a 3rd grader. This is just so absurd. I have not hand-written anything in years ever since laptops were invented, damn it.

    Haha, me too! My hand writing is terrible and illegible. Maybe I should've applied to med school instead...

  4. I hear that stress and anxiety can be triggers as well. Fortunately, as I understand it, most eye-twitches go away over time. And anything you can do to try and relax is probably going to help with the eye-twitches as well.

    NOTE: I am anything but a doctor. Just a disclaimer. But: when that used to happen to me back in middle-school, I'd simply (wash my hands, then) get into a relaxing position, close the eye(s) in question, and then apply firm pressure to the site of the twitch for a while. It came back a few times after doing this, but after one time when I lay down and pressed the problem-spot for about 25 minutes, it never bothered me again.

    lol, you're right. I think it was some combination of stress and anxiety. I neglected to mention in my previous post that the twitching started right after I got a rejection from a super reach (expected, but bitter nonetheless, haha). It's been a couple days, the twitching got better.

  5. I have an ignorant question: what's the difference between named vs. "generic" fellowship? What if the named fellowship is worth the same amount as regular fellowships. Is it still more prestigious?

  6. I told my LOR providers that I needed letters for 5 schools, even though I never actually intended to apply to the 5th one. I asked all of my letter providers to write paper rec letters, and sign and seal across the back of the envelope. I opened the letter from one professor (the other profs let me read the letters they wrote) for the 5th school. Nothing bad, but not wonderful either. So, I asked another professor to write a LOR. Most schools will let you gather all of your LORs and mail them in one packet--as long as they are signed across the seal.

    Isn't that unethical?

  7. Thanks for your response! To be honest, I'm a n00b at the grants processes. I've heard of PhD students in their last year(s) applying for and receiving grants, but I have no idea what the funding body is. Guess I should do more research into the types of grants and criteria for holding them. My dream is to skip the whole post-doc/slave labor deal and go straight to being a professor. :P

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