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Posts posted by ec86

  1. I'm a Canadian citizen enrolling in a US PhD program in fall 2009. I'm currently looking at possible funding opportunities and came across the International Fulbright Science and Technology Award. Heard about Fullbright before and thought of it as an analogue to Rhodes, but don't know much detail. Currently doing background research on this award, but would any of you have some knowledge of how competitive this process is in general and specifically for the International Fulbright Science and Technology Award (Can-US award is even better!)?

    The Award recipients receive assistance in gaining admission to prestigious U.S. institutions and three years of fiscal support which includes: academic tuition and fee coverage, a monthly living stipend, book and supplies allowance, conference and research allowances, health and accident coverage, round trip airfare from home country to the United States, and specially tailored enrichment activities.

    The first sentence of above confuses me. "Receive assistance in gaining admission"? What if I am already admitted? The deadline to apply is May 31. Will I still be able to apply for the fall 2009 start? Their eligibility criteria is very vague: http://foreign.fulbrightonline.org/scienceandtech.html

    I'll post in this thread when I dig out more information. Thanks!

    Edit: Unfortunately, I missed the deadline for the Traditional Fulbright Student Awards (which was last fall). It seems like this award and the one I am inquiring about above overlap. Why the "redundancy"?

    Edit 2: To answer my own question, yes the May 31 deadline is for uptake of award in the fall of same year.

    Edit 3: 40 awards world wide for this fiscal year. WOW, haha. No idea on the number of applicants. Very competitive, lots of benefit, worthwhile to take the risk in applying?

    Edit 4: Okay, to elaborate on Edit 2: Winners are actually guided through the process the year of award and they officially take up the award the next year. BALLS!

  2. Hey guys,

    Can anyone elaborate on what a research assistant professor is? I know they're not tenure track and I think their salary is paid straight out of their own grants.

    Is it possible for me to pursue a research assist. professorship directly after PhD rather than post-doc? How difficult would this be? Let's assume that I get a sizable grant during the latter years of my PhD and shop around the proposal to universities, will they pick me up and offer me this research assistant professorship easily or will it be a competitive process?


  3. I've read in another forum about an applicant sharing his/her stats and some person (with malicious intent?) calling up the school impersonating him/her. I find the thought that someone will do this to be one-up against the competitor very disturbing. Of course, it's even more scary if a jealous individual tries to get you "rejected" in between your unofficial acceptance and the formal offer. SCARY!

  4. I think there was quite some debate about this issue. But the bottom line is that it's dependent on both the school and the department. I guess the rule of thumb is that if you don't hear around when other applicants are receiving acceptances for that program, then it's not so optimistic.

  5. Just FYI, for NSERC master's awards, the award % for applications forwarded at my institution is about 80% and around 70% for doctoral awards.

    Anyone know how the CGS is awarded? They say "top ranked", but a large proportion (almost half) are awarded CGSs. :?:

  6. Thanks for your reply ssb7! I'm also curious to know what is the distinction between recruitment and interview days? From what I understand, recruitment days also involve back-to-back interviews with faculty. I've been told that basically they want you really bad if you're invited to recruitment day and the whole point of it is to sell their school to you (they're dishing out hundreds of $$ to fly you in, etc). Is this true in your case? Did they interview you and if they did, were they really grueling in-depth questioning or just a "normality" check? :lol: Thanks!

    The RW was on Thurs-Fri of last week so i'm afraid i don't know my own admissions decision, much less those of the other people attending :P there were two rumors floating about: one, that they were aiming for a target of 6 people total, so half of us would make it in. two, that they'd accept all of us and assume half of us would go elsewhere. there's really no way for me to tell what rumor, if either, is correct.

    i'm not sure what would have happened if someone couldn't go in person, but one girl flew in from israel after speaking to a professor at this school about possibly missing the RW...so it seems like one of those "strongly recommended" things that are actually mandatory if you want a fighting chance. i'm sure, however, that that varies with school and personal circumstance. they did provide us with plenty of incentives to come, since they paid for food, travel, and lodging for each student, so it seems like they do put a lot of importance on actually attending.

    hope that helps!

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