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Posts posted by tayfray

  1. Just wanted to thank you for your response. My "when will we receive more info" question was in regards to general info about when classes start, and what incoming students need to do to prepare. Where I come from (state school), info is hard to come by, and if you snooze you lose. I received more info from MGH yesterday and today, so I'm good now.

    Again, thanks for taking the time to respond. I hope you have a great day!

    Don't worry! They won't let you miss anything! You're going to get really impatient waiting for all the info to come in (everyone does) because they send a lot of stuff later in the summer, but I promise everything will be fine. :)

  2. I'm thinking of renting a room somewhere off the Newburyport/Rockbury commuter train line, like in Chelsea, Lynn, Swampscott, or Salem.

    1. Do we need to get CPR certified before school starts, or will they offer us a chance to take care of that when the need arises?

    2. What time do classes/in-house clinics usually start during the week?

    3. What time do classes/in-house clinics usually end?

    4. Does the school have lockers? (If not, I may need to invest in one of those roller crates for carrying books between home and school)

    4. I received an email to notify me that my deposit was received and more info would be forthcoming. When will I get more info? (i.e., at what point should I call the Department if I haven't received more info?)

    I hope everyone is doing well :)

    Anything farther than Chelsea is too far out. Really, that commute will kill you, whether or not you have a car. You will hate it. If cost of rent is the issue, find a classmate to room with. You will be much happier. Check out Somerville. Aim for a place that has direct T access, not bus or commuter rail.

    1. There will be a CPR class offered by the school, but it doesn't hurt to get it out of the way before school starts when you have some free time (just make sure it's the class that's for people in the medical setting.

    2. This varies depending on when your own clinic sessions are (luck of the draw). You'll have 4 sessions per week, and they can be any day of the week between 9am and 5pm. Classes can start as early as 8:30am.

    3. If you have a 4pm clinic session (the last slot) you'll probably get out at about 5:30pm, after clean-up and a chat with your supervisor. Classes vary. There are some evening classes that end at 8:30pm.

    4. First year students can get lockers. You share them with a buddy.

    5. More info about tuition? They don't tell you much. You can call if you want.

  3. Maybe it would be more appropriate to start a new thread (if one hasn't been created yet, sorry if it has -- posting on the fly!) BUT... what is everyone doing to finance their lovely SLP degrees? I am 1000% grateful for my acceptance and really looking forward to this part of my life in the fall, but I am kind of starting to worry about how much all this will cost.

    What kind of loans are you all taking out (not just for living, but books, supplies, and so on), if any? Oh, and what about living situations? Is everyone making a big move, or staying pretty local? I'm just trying to get a feel for what students seem to do. I am on the young end of the spectrum and this is a huge lifestyle change for me, as I am sure it will be for you all, too. Any comments about money/living/expenses are welcomed and appreciated. Good luck to you all in finalizing your plans.

    It's going to be rough.

    I'm taking out federal loans (I wouldn't touch a private loan with a 10 foot pole) Direct Loans and then Grad Plus to pick up the slack, in combination with dipping into savings. I'm making a cross-country move to one of the most expensive cities in the country and going from two incomes to one.

    It's a big change and it's not going to be an easy couple of years, but I'm trying to stay positive.

  4. This is sort of off topic, but I really needed to vent about this..I welcome any advice also. I was planning on posting this on fbook but I know that I won't be taken seriously as there are many dumb people on that site who won't take things seriously these days, so gradcafe was the next option.

    I'm finishing up some prerequisite courses before graduate school in the fall and I'm really struggling with motivation. It is getting increasingly difficult for me to stay focused on my classes and I keep procrastinating. It's completely different from how I was eight months ago, by the way. I can't help it. I'm telling myself that I need to work hard for the next seven weeks to maintain a B average at least but it's one thing to tell yourself that, and another to stay consistent with that mentality.

    Is anyone else going through this?

    The classes are ridiculous. These include a neuro class, a research class, and a statistics class (for ASHA requirement). Save for one teacher, all of my other instructors are not very approachable so that doesn't really help visiting them during office hours. Oh, and there are tons of homework assignments, quizzes, and midterms to study for.

    I'm with you. I'm finishing up my very last one and I just can't get into it.

    I'm also kind of annoyed with myself-- I was following the post-bacc curriculum that the school I'm taking classes at recommended, and I stupidly didn't check on what classes I really needed. I just trusted that these would be the right ones for most of the schools. Yeah... no. For example, the post-bacc sequence includes 3 audiology classes. Who wants 3 audiology classes?? No one needs 3 audiology classes, it turns out.

    So, last term I was taking the second audiology class instead of the stupid 200-level intro class that should have been my last class. Of course, it had a weird name so I didn't know it was actually the intro to communication disorders class, and it wasn't part of the post-bacc sequence. So to substitute for not taking the intro class, this term I'm having to take a really ridiculous course from a professor that I can't stand. Oh well!

  5. I still haven't heard from Long Island University-Brooklyn. I assume I've been rejected, but it would be nice to have been notified! I e-mailed them weeks ago asking for an update, but they simply sent a reply confirming acceptance of my application. I've accepted elsewhere and am happy with my choice, but it's just extremely odd.

    Same here, it just would be courteous of them to say something. I didn't pay the application fee for nothing.

  6. I accepted SIU-Carbondale's offer of admission! They have a big autism center where you can choose to do your first clinicals, so I'm really excited about that :)

    One thing that's ticked me off though-- has anyone NOT heard back from any of the schools they applied to? I haven't heard anything from WIU (Western Illinois). I paid the application fee and spent time and effort on their application, and they haven't told me ANYTHING. Other people on the results board seem to be saying the same thing-- I don't think they've made decisions for anyone yet. Seriously, it's past April 15th and they don't tell anyone if they got in (or let us know if there would be a delay), that's just discourteous. Not to mention pretty dumb-- if they admit people in late April-May, most of their students will be people rejected from or waitlisted at every school they applied to.

    Not likely at all to work, but I'd really like to demand a refund for my $30 application fee, and the 4 hours of my life I wasted on their application back..

    Yeah, I never heard from Northwestern. It's kind of insulting.

  7. I' m not one of your professors, so drop the officious, hand-wringing crap. I expect honesty from you people, how dare you demand some greater degree of honesty or transparency (I don't know what the hell you want.....) when you have no critique..nothing....just that you're uncomfortable. So go google a lullaby and go to sleep.

    What do YOU want? That didn't make any sense. You drop into a forum of people discussing grad school admissions and drop an angry incoherent rant about homogeneity. I'm not uncomfortable-- reading something like that doesn't make me flush with 'white guilt' the way you think it does-- I'm just curious about what you want to say and why you chose this venue to say it.

  8. About what.... ho no...are we getting....gulp....existential about this....

    You're trying to express an opinion about a lack of diversity in the field. As someone who I assume is licensed and practicing, why don't you just tell us your feelings about it without insulting a whole group of prospective/incoming students? I'm sure you have a broader perspective if you've been in the field for so long. What kind of a response did you want from calling us a bunch of "lilywhite bishes"?

    I'm sorry I'm so white! I'm going to call up my school right now and tell them that I'm deferring because I need some time to examine my privilege.

  9. Shut the F!@** up, ya'll are a bunch of braggert little bishes. Big ups to homogeneity, ya'll are the same, you look the same, share the same cultural background, sound the same, and are all too eager to pronounce judgement upon the growing numbers of children diagnosed with disorders in this field, who neither look like you, nor share your cultural background). Speech path is going nowhere with this maternal - lily white - I know better than you b.s. construct. Eat s*!! and die.

    Wow. You're making a lot of assumptions. I hope you had a successful application season.

  10. I was offered a Dean's fellowship to Emerson ($10,000/yr) so I can afford it now! I'm mailing my deposit and papers to them tomorrow. :)

    As for people asking about CSU East Bay, I was admitted last Tuesday. In the email, they said they want a decision by April 18th (I emailed my decline today). Since I haven't heard of anyone being waitlisted there, I'm assuming they're waiting to hear back from people who were offered admission before they send out another round of offers. I don't know -- I'm currently attending a CSU for undergrad and I've noticed our program's bass-ackwardness with grad school admissions is pretty staggering.

    Good luck! I hope you hear from them soon!

    Wow, congrats! Did the fellowship offer come through recently?

  11. Hi everyone.. this is my first time posting so im hoping im soing this right and maybe can get an answer?? I applied to 10 schools in IL (thats where im from) and got accepted to 2 of the 10. Amazingly enoough one of the schools i applied to was number one on my list!!! So im extremely exited; however I haven't got any funding info (even though in the accpepatance email they said that id get it shortly). I don't want to accept admission until i get this info, but it's almost 15th and Im extra worried now. I've contacted financial aid, but no response (as usual). I want to email the director of the program (whom I orginally received the acceptance email from) but Im not sure what I should say.

    I'm also a post-bacc and have a complicated situation: in the acceptance email it said that I might have to take an extra semester of course work to fufill all requirments, however I believe this is just a standard letter since I only have one more prereq course to finish. But I want to see what my options are. Do you think they'll talk to me and go through what they meant before I actually accept admission??

    Does anyone have any ideas?? suggestions?? They would be greatly appreciated.. cuz i have no idea what to do at this point..

    Thank you!

    Unfortunately, the financial aid decisions are often made in the summer (if you mean need-based and not merit scholarship). It's pretty crappy that we have to accept before knowing if they're going to help us out at all, but that's the way it is. I'd suggest calling the financial aid office if you're not getting email response.

    The letter you're referring to is just what they give everyone. Check over it to make double sure you have all their requirements, but if you're already taking your postbacc classes it doesn't apply to you. There are some people who are accepted who don't have their pre-reqs, and those people often take them during the summer or during a "leveling" semester/year. You can definitely contact them to check that you have everything they want before sending your deposit. Contact the person whose name is on that letter.

    Relax, you're fine! Congrats on being accepted!

  12. Thanks! I really wanted to stay in Boston (especially for MGH), but couldn't justify the costs so I'm going to UMass in Amherst instead. MGH's average of ~80k or so for school vs. UMass' average of ~20k for school made my choice easy...at least from a financial standpoint. The living costs are cheaper at UMass too. I will definitely be headed back to the Boston area after grad school though.

    I know it's gonna be tricky from a relationship standpoint, but you're going to love living there. I miss the Pioneer Valley so much. And coming from the city, you'll be impressed with how inexpensive it is.

    You should get a place in Northampton, and make sure you're in walking distance from the Five College PVTA bus line (which will be free to you). You know to message me if you need any suggestions. :)

  13. So after hours of debating, I have finally narrowed it down to MGH. Since I don't have my prereq's I am planning on relocating this summer. Is anyone in a similar boat? If so- is anyone looking for a roommate? Let me know :)

    I know this isn't the best place to post for a roommate request- sorry! I am freaking out about relocating in less than 2 months-eek!

    Congrats! I'll be moving out there in June and am also freaking out about the big relocation. I won't be doing the roommate thing, but in the past I've had good luck posting in the housing wanted section of Craigslist. My husband is actually moving out to Boston this Tuesday, and is going to be subletting a room until I get there, and he had lots of nice responses from his post as well.

    Have you considered doing prereqs online or locally? You might be able to save a bit of money that way.

  14. Thanks, Tayfray. I didn't have to use CSDCAS, and everything I have heard about it this year makes me realize how lucky I was.

    My boyfriend's college didn't have grades, either. So when he applied to grad school he had to send each school a huge packet of all his professors' reports. What a nightmare!

    Oh yeah, my undergrad transcript is 13 pages long. It was a mess to deal with, especially since most of my schools used CSDCAS. I had to jump through lots of hoops to even get my transcript added to my files, since CSDCAS wouldn't touch it.

  15. Once again some comments on the results board are making my skin crawl. [Cue the after school special music.]

    These decisions are complicated. Admissions departments look at more than just GRE scores and GPAs, and often people have certain qualifications that can't be quantified numerically. Often real-life experience trumps book smarts. That's just the way it is. If you're slandering other people who were accepted, it probably means you should take a step back from this process. Also, if you're stating that something is a "pretty crappy school," I would question why you spent the time and money to apply there in the first place. Don't let this process make you bitter and unkind. Those are not qualities that will help you when you are an SLP.

    Okay! I just had to get that off my chest.

    I think there are a lot of very anxious people out there right now and it's making them bitter. I understand that it can be upsetting when it looks like people are being selected unfairly, but I think they're missing the whole picture. We all know it's not all about grades and GRE. I really do think the essay and the letters have a lot of weight. How boring would the class be if they just chose the 4.0 students?

    Hell, I didn't even have a real GPA. My undergrad didn't have grades, so all I had was a kind of fake postbacc GPA. My CSDCAS application looked ridiculous, because they made me enter all of my credits that didn't have letter/number grades as 0.00. Oh, and I flubbed the AW section of the GRE. But I think I was a good all-around package. There was a lot more to my applications than just the numbers.

    So don't let anyone make you feel bad just because they had ever-so-slightly higher GPA. It probably just comes down to a few B's. No biggie-- some schools have so much grade inflation that you almost can't even compare an A at one school to an A at another, and admissions committees surely know that.

  16. I was accepted at U of O but didn't hear about an open house. I haven't told them whether I'm accepting their offer yet as I am still not fully decided. Maybe that's why I didn't get information about the open house or maybe I lost some part of the letters they sent me? I went to an information session for the CDS program back in the fall. I liked what I saw for the most part. The only thing I wasn't too keen on was almost all the faculty have expertise in neurogenic/TBI/medical and I'm interested in working in the schools. I'm a little worried about getting a too narrowly-focused education there, although they did say they balance your externships equally in both schools and medical settings. Also, I used to live in Eugene and think it is so boring. Oregon rules, Eugene is a little too much of a small college town for my liking. I will say that the clinical facilities at U of O are beautiful (I'm at Portland State now and our clinic is in the basement of a hideous, very dated building). Do share your campus visit experiences!

    I'm no expert, but I am currently a postbacc at UO. I can tell you that it's not an especially medically-based program. You'll actually have much more exposure to the schools. The U of O doesn't have a hospital affiliated with it, so getting students medical externships is a challenge. They often send students out of town or even out of state (I've heard of students going to Idaho!). My advisor recommended that I not apply there if I wanted to do medical, especially since I was not open to traveling for my externship.

  17. <br />I have  only been accepted to one school so I don't have the opportunity to decline, but I am going to take my name off of the waitlist at at least one of the schools I got waitlisted at because I am sure someone else would like to go there more than I.<br /><br />If I knew I wasn't going to go a school, I would decline as soon as possible...so that others (and I am sure there are PLENTY) don't have to wait until May to find out if they have made it off the waitlist.<br /><br />Just wanted to put in my 2 cents.<br /><br />PS. TAYFRAY, glad to hear you got everything figured out! I wish you the best with school and your family <img src='http://forum.thegradcafe.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Aw, thanks! <3

    (And yes, I'm getting my declines in so people can get off waitlists!)

  18. Hi all!

    I'm going to the UW-Seattle for my AuD in the fall but my boyfriend is deciding between UW-Madison and Colorado-Boulder for SLP. Does anyone have any good insights about the two programs? He's still waiting on Northwestern....what's the deal for that btw? I'm assuming he's waitlisted if he hasn't heard from them (because according to this website its mainly been rejections and acceptances). Any advice is much appreciated!!

    I haven't heard from Northwestern, either. I'm also just assuming I'm functionally waitlisted. *shrug*

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