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Everything posted by tayfray

  1. Damn, girl. You rocked the application season. Good job! Which are you looking at accepting?
  2. I think they just want you to get the decision in the mail first. Don't worry. I didn't get my letter posted until a few days after I got the letter in the mail (which was a long time after it was sent, because I'm in Oregon.)
  3. Don't assume that just because you weren't in the first round of notifications that it'll be a rejection. A lot of programs use the "modified rolling admissions" method, in which they notify the most exceptional applicants first, wait for some decisions to come back, and then they accept more... until they've filled the class. If you look at the results board and go back to previous years, you'll see that there are a lot of programs that start admitting in February and don't contact some admits until April or May. I know it sucks and is incredibly frustrating, but hang in there!
  4. I'm in a post-bacc program right now. There are actually 25 of us right now, so it's not really an unusual thing to do. We make up about 1/2 to 1/3 of the classes that we're in. We're taking classes with the undergrads, but not completing second BAs. We have a post-bacc advisor who helps us figure out what classes we need. The post-baccs to clinical observation and are even allowed to assist in the clinic.
  5. Well, she didn't technically do anything wrong or illegal, so there's no way to know. I doubt they would immediately pull her file and reject it. I understand that she as an autism spectrum diagnosis, but that was a pretty mean thing of your cousin to do.
  6. For what it's worth, unless your sister used the cousin's name and personal details, I'm pretty certain she doesn't need permission to write about her. She's not her clinician and doesn't have a confidentiality arrangement.
  7. Sorry to say it, but she'd have to have some very remarkable letters and essay. Numbers aren't everything, but most schools do have minimum cut-offs. Often the application won't make it to the department for review if it doesn't meet the graduate school's requirements. GWU, I know, requires a 3.0. You can take a look at this for some ideas about those requirements: http://hes.asha.org:8080/EdFind/Masters/MastersSearch.aspx
  8. It looks like people have gotten their awards by phone, but I'm still going to hope for something in my letter! I'm pretty certain I'm not going to be able to make the trip out there. It's a pretty long way, and I'm still working and taking classes.
  9. Are you sure that means no on funding? I was getting the impression that the funding awards would be in the acceptance packets. I didn't think the guy who called me knew much about my individual file, since he asked me where I went to school and whether I had done my prereqs.
  10. Hey, chin up! You're doing pretty well so far-- look at that funded offer you have! Who knows why they choose who they do?
  11. I so called that one. See what you get for outsourcing your application, PSU?
  12. Right. What they want are good students who are going to be successful and not drop out of the program. The numbers can't really tell you that. All they can really do is weed out people who don't have good study skills.
  13. I agree. I don't think it's all about numbers. It can be comforting (or frustrating) to be able to compare the numbers because they're the only concrete indicator that we really have, but I think it's a "whole package" thing.
  14. My inside sources tell me that you're not going to hear back from UO until at least the middle of the month. Since UO is on a 3 term system rather than semesters, the end of the term is in mid-March, and they don't like to release the decisions until after finals. PSU will probably be at about the same time.
  15. I bombed the AW (3.5) but did pretty well on V & Q. I didn't think it was something I needed to study for. I took the chance and kept the score, and I'm doing pretty well on the acceptances front so far. I'm sure it depends on the program and the school.
  16. Thanks! He said the letters would be coming in the mail. There will be one letter with the letter, and another with an invitation to an accepted student event.
  17. Just got a call from the department chair of MGH-IHP telling me I'm in! Very cool!
  18. Not everyone has it. I called today to ask about it, and was told we'd have to wait for the letter in the mail, but it sounds like they're coming soon.
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